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The Vaccines lyrics
Out of my way [Italian translation]
You look like you're out of season You need height and sense of reason You say things I'd rather not know Coming on strong, I ask too much though Ahhh...
Out of my way [Spanish translation]
You look like you're out of season You need height and sense of reason You say things I'd rather not know Coming on strong, I ask too much though Ahhh...
Paranormal Romance lyrics
[Intro] I tried to reason with the man in me But he was out of town, no keys And so I'm locked outside the ark of time And now the future's here, I'm ...
Paranormal Romance [Russian translation]
Я пытался договориться с мужчиной во мне, Но его не было в городе, ключей не было, И вот я заперт за пределами ковчега времени, И теперь будущее здесь...
Pink Water Pistols lyrics
[Verse 1] When I talk to myself, I know somebody's listening My mirror a casting director auditioning Running my lines, I'm increasingly wistful A moc...
Post Break-Up Sex lyrics
I can barely look at you Don't tell me who you lost it to Didn't we say we had a deal, Didn't I say how bad I'd feel? Everyone needs a helping hand, W...
Post Break-Up Sex [French translation]
Je peux difficilement te regarder Ne me dis pas à qui tu as fait une scène N'avions-nous pas un marché, Ne t'avais-je pas dit à quel point je me sens ...
Post Break-Up Sex [Greek translation]
Μετά βίας μπορώ να σε κοιτάζω Μη μου λες για ποιόν έχασες το μυαλό σου Δεν είπαμε ότι κάναμε μια συμφωνία, Δεν είπα πόσο άσχημα θα αισθανόμουν; Όλοι χ...
Post Break-Up Sex [Italian translation]
Riesco a malapena a guardarti, Non dirmi che l'hai persa/o. Non avevamo detto di avere un accordo? Non ho detto quanto mi sarei sentito male? Tutti ha...
Post Break-Up Sex [Spanish translation]
Apenas puedo mirarte No me digas a quién perdiste ¿No dijimos que teníamos un trato, No te dije lo mal que me sentiría? Todos necesitamos una mano de ...
Teenage Icon lyrics
Oh look at me so ordinary, no mystery, with no great capabilities, But I could make out as if I had it but you know, God I'm so obvious and I should l...
Teenage Icon [Greek translation]
Ω κοίτα με τόσο συνηθισμένος, κανένα μυστήριο, χωρίς μεγάλες ικανότητες, Αλλά θα μπορούσα να φιλήσω σαν να το είχα ξέρεις, Θεέ μου είμαι τόσο προβλέψι...
Teenage Icon [Italian translation]
Oh, guardami, così ordinario, nessun mistero, senza chissà quali capacità; ma potrei fare come se ce le avessi, però lo sai, Dio, sono così ovvio e do...
Teenage Icon [Spanish translation]
Oh, mírame, tan ordinario, sin misterio, sin gran capacidad, podría pretender que lo tengo, pero sabes, Dios, soy tan obvio y debería dejarlo ir, no s...
Teenage Icon [Turkish translation]
Oh bana bak çok sıradan, gizem yok, üstün yeteneksiz, Fakat sahip olursam farkederim ama biliyorsun, Tanrım besbelliyim ve gitmesine izin vermeliyim, ...
Under your thumb lyrics
Hanging out some Underneath European sun Hanging out under your thumb Under it, second to none Well, I don't mind about taking it slow I’m perfectly a...
Under your thumb [Italian translation]
Uscire con qualcuno/a Sotto il sole europeo Uscire con qualcuno/a che sta sotto il tuo controllo Sotto di esso , secondo a nessuno Non mi dispiace pre...
Under your thumb [Spanish translation]
Pasando un poco el rato Debajo del sol europeo Pasando el rato bajo tu pulgar1 Bueno, no me importa tomarlo con calma Soy perfectamente consciente de ...
Want you so bad lyrics
Cook it up Come on bite the hand that feeds you It's what I'd do But you know somebody needs you Oh how does it feel? Oh how does it feel? Cause I wan...
Want you so bad [French translation]
Augmente le feu Allez, viens mordre la main qui te nourrit C'est ce que je ferais, Mais tu sais, quelqu'un a besoin de toi Oh, comment on se sent? Oh,...
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