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The Vaccines lyrics
I Wish I Was A Girl [French translation]
Tu entres dans la pièce avec élégance et raffinement Tu ensorcèles, fascines tous les garcons Tu es si chic et tu es si douce, Et oh... Je souhaiterai...
I Wish I Was A Girl [Greek translation]
Μπαίνεις μες στο δωμάτιο με κομψότητα και χάρη Σαγηνεύοντας, μαγεύοντας όλα τα αγόρια Είσαι τόσο σικ και είσαι τόσο γλυκιά Και αχ Eύχομαι να ήμουν κορ...
I Wish I Was A Girl [Italian translation]
Cammini per la stanza con rafinatezza e portamento Incantevole, intrigando tutti i ragazzi Sei così chic e sei così dolce E oh Avrei voluto essere una...
I Wish I Was A Girl [Spanish translation]
Entras a la habitación con refinamiento y aplomo, encantando, fascinando a todos los chicos. Eres tan chic y tan dulce y oh, Desearía ser una chica, s...
If You Wanna lyrics
Well, I don't wanna wake up in the mornin', But I've got to face the day. That's what all the friends I do not like as much as you say. I don't wanna ...
If You Wanna [Greek translation]
Ε, δεν θέλω να ξυπνήσω το πρωί, Αλλά πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσω τη μέρα. Αυτό λένε όλοι οι φίλοι που δεν συμπαθώ όσο εσένα. Δεν θέλω να κάνω πράγματα ανεξ...
If You Wanna [Italian translation]
Beh non voglio svegliarmi la mattina Ma devo affrontare la giornata Ecco cosa dicono tutti gli amici che non mi piacciano tanto quanto te. Non voglio ...
If You Wanna [Spanish translation]
No me quiero levantar por la mañana, Pero tengo que enfrentarme al día. Eso es lo que dicen todos los amigos que no me caen tan bien como a ti No quie...
If You Wanna [Turkish translation]
Peki, sabah uyanmak istemiyorum, Ama günle yüzleşmem gerek. Bu senin söylediğin kadar sevmediğim arkadaşlarımın yaptıkları şey. İşleri bağımsız yapmak...
Maybe I could hold you lyrics
If he was man enough And if I thought you cared for just being comfortable If you had asked around And if you'd found me there Would it bother you? I ...
Maybe I could hold you [Italian translation]
Se lui fosse abbastanza uomo E se avessi saputo che ti importava essere solo a tuo agio Se avessi chiesto in giro E se mi avessi trovato lì Ti avrebbe...
Maybe I could hold you [Spanish translation]
Sí él fue lo suficientemente hombre, Y si creyera que te importaba sólo por ser cómodo, Si hubieras preguntado, Si me hubieras encontrado allí. ¿Te mo...
Minimal Affection lyrics
In a world of minimal affection Can you give yourself in a word To a girl with a washed-out complexion She's a mutual friend of ours Anyone, anyone, a...
Minimal Affection [Italian translation]
In un mondo di minimo affetto Ci si può concedere in poche parole Ad una ragazza con una carnagione scolorita Lei è una nostra amica comune Qualcuno, ...
No Hope lyrics
Oh, I could bore you with the truth, about an uneventful youth, though you could get that rap from someone else. And I could make an observation, If y...
No Hope [Spanish translation]
Oh, podría aburrirte con la verdad sobre una juventud intrascendente, pero podrías escuchar ese rap de alguien más. Y podría hacer una observación, si...
Nørgaard lyrics
Great Dane's cheekbones, teenage hormones Young complexion, Non-Physical Affection You're a godsend, do you want a boyfriend? Crazy, crazy, easy tiger...
Nørgaard [Italian translation]
Fantastici zigomi danesi, ormoni adolescenziali D'aspetto giovanile, amore non fisico Tu sei un dono dal cielo, vuoi un fidanzato? Pazza Pazza, vacci ...
Nørgaard [Spanish translation]
Mejillas de Gran Danés, hormonas adolescentes Complexión joven, un cariño físico Eres un regalo de Dios, ¿quieres un novio? Vamos, vamos, cálmate Tien...
Out of my way lyrics
You look like you're out of season You need height and sense of reason You say things I'd rather not know Coming on strong, I ask too much though Ahhh...
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