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The Vaccines lyrics
Denial lyrics
Take all the time that's on your side But I am, I am, I am I'm a man with pride I know the world is in your hands I do, I do, I do And I understand Oh...
Denial [Spanish translation]
Tómate todo el tiempo que quieras, está a tu favor pero yo soy, soy, soy soy un hombre orgulloso. Sé que el mundo está en tus manos, lo sé, lo sé, lo ...
Dream Lover lyrics
Dream they call desire Like it matters It doesn’t matter much to me If I seem begrudging Or on another planet Actually With a hollow embrace Let’s go ...
English Graffiti lyrics
Inca Kola A Chinese lunch Instant karma for overpriced brunch Copacabana and coconut punch English Graffiti on every wall The more defiant, the harder...
Ghost Town lyrics
I've been driving in my car Trying to find some sign of life No one's about and it's kinda creepy It's an understatement to say it's sleepy It's a gho...
Ghost Town [French translation]
Je roule dans ma voiture depuis un moment, À la recherche d'un signe de vie Il n'y a personne nulle part, et ça me fout les jetons Ce serait un euphém...
Ghost Town [Italian translation]
Sono stato alla guida della mia auto Cercando di trovare qualche segno di vita Non c'è nessuno ed è un pò inquietante Dire che è una città tranquilla ...
Ghost Town [Spanish translation]
He estado conduciendo en mi coche, intentando encontrar alguna señal de vida. No hay nadie y es un poco aterrador, decir que es soporífero es poco. Es...
Give A Sign lyrics
Would you blow me kisses If I kept my distance? Would you send a hurricane As proof of your existence? If I pick up speed Would it take me with you? '...
Give A Sign [French translation]
Me soufflerais-tu des baisers Si je restais à distance? Enverrais-tu un ouragan Comme prevue de ton existence? Si je prenais de la vitesse, Est-ce que...
Give A Sign [Italian translation]
Mi manderesti Baci Se mantenessi le distanze? Mi manderesti un uragano per provarmi che esisti? Se prendo velocità mi potrebbe portare da te? Perché l...
Give A Sign [Spanish translation]
¿Me lanzarías besos Si mantengo mi distancia? ¿Lanzarías un huracán Como prueba de que existes? Si agarro velocidad ¿Me llevaría hacía ti? Porque quie...
Handsome lyrics
Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god they’re gonna eat me up for breakfast You think you look good in whatever they sugarcoat you in...
Handsome [Croatian translation]
O bože, o bože, o bože, o bože, o bože, o bože, o bože, oni će me pojesti za doručak. Misliš da izgledaš dobro u bilo čemu u što te umotaju. Ako je mo...
Handsome [Italian translation]
Oddio, oddio, oddio, oddio, oddio, oddio, oddio mi mangeranno a colazione Pensi di star bene in qualunque modo cerchino di abbellirti Se il mio corpo ...
Handsome [Swedish translation]
åh Gud, åh Gud, åh Gud, åh Gud, åh Gud, åh Gud, åh Gud, de kommer äta upp mig till frukost Du tror du ser bra ut i vad de än sockrar dig i Om min krop...
I Always Knew lyrics
Down, down in my bones, somewhere I'd never have known, right at the back Of my head. It hit me like a beam of light, hit me like a hook of the right ...
I Always Knew [Finnish translation]
Luissani, luissani, jossain mistä en koskaan tiennyt, aivan pääni perällä Se löi minua kuin valonsäde, löi minua kuin oikea koukku ja olisin voinut ti...
I Always Knew [Turkish translation]
İn, in kemiklerimden aşağı, hiçbir zaman bilmediğim bir yere, burada kafamın arkasında Bir ışık huzmesi gibi vurdu bana, vurdu doğruların kancası gibi...
I Wish I Was A Girl lyrics
You walk into the room with refining and poise Bewitching, enthralling all of the boys You're so chic and you're so sweet And oh I wish I was a girl Y...
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