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Lidia Buble lyrics
Le-am spus şi fetelor [Spanish translation]
Pienso cada día Cómo sería si nos detenemos Un segundo para que sonriamos Para recordarnos Te echo de menos cada día Lo digo sin pensar que mentirás E...
Margarita lyrics
Letra: Another round of margarita, Another round for you ma love, Another round of margarita, Corazon mi corazon. Nací en la Havana, Floridita This is...
Mi-e bine lyrics
A fost perfect candva Dar ai plecat asa Cum tu ai si venit In viata mea zambind Si nu ti-a mai pasat Nu te-ai uitat in spate Imi spune inima Am fost d...
Mi-e bine [English translation]
It was perfect once But you left, just like that The same way you came Into my life - smiling And you no longer cared You never looked back My heart i...
Mi-e bine [English translation]
It was perfect once But you left Just as you came Into my life, smiling And you didn't care anymore You haven't looked back. My heart says I was just ...
Mi-e bine [English translation]
It was perfect once But you left Just as you came into my life, Smiling. And you didn”t care You didn”t look back! My heart tells me that I was just y...
Mi-e bine [English translation]
It was perfect once But you left, just when you came into my life, smiling And you didn't care, You didn't look back My heart tells me that I was just...
Mi-e bine [German translation]
Es war irgendwann mal perfekt aber du bist gegangen... genauso wie du in mein Leben gekommen bist - lächelnd. Es hat dich nicht mehr gekümmert... du h...
Mi-e bine [Hungarian translation]
Valaha tökéletes volt, De elhagytál Mint ahogy bejöttél Az életembe mosolyogva. És nem érdekelt, nem néztél vissza. Azt monda nekem a szívem, Hogy csa...
Mi-e bine [Italian translation]
Sto bene Tutto perfetto, un tempo, Ma te ne sei andato Così com’eri arrivato Nella mia vita, sorridendo Non te ne è più importato, Né hai più guardato...
Mi-e bine [Italian translation]
Era perfetto un tempo ma te ne sei andato cosí come sei anche venuto nella mia vita sorridendo E non ti è piú importato Non hai piú guardato indietro ...
Mi-e bine [Russian translation]
Когда-то всё было идеально, Но ты ушёл также, Как и пришёл в мою жизнь С улыбкой на лице И тебе было всё равно Ты не обернулся Подсказывает сердце, Чт...
Mi-e bine [Spanish translation]
Fué perfecto una vez, Pero te fuiste así, Como viniste A mi vida, sonriendo. Y nunca te ha importado, No miraste para atrás. Me dice el corazón que Fu...
Mi-e bine [Turkish translation]
Mükemmeldi önceden Ama çekip gittin, Gelip Girdiğinde hayatıma,bir tebessümle Aşamadı mı (hala) bunu? Bakmadın arkana Kalbim diyor ki Ben sadece onun ...
Sarut mana , Mama ! lyrics
Sărut mâna, mamă Plâng și-am obosit Mi-am urmat destinul Dar m-am rătăcit Mi-e atât de dor de casă Părea asa ușor Să nu am nici o grijă Am ochii uscaț...
Sarut mana , Mama ! [English translation]
I kiss your hand, mama I cry and I have become tired I have followed the path to my destination But I have gotten lost I miss home so much It seemed s...
Sarut mana , Mama ! [Spanish translation]
Beso tu mano, madre. Estoy llorando y cansada, He seguido mi destino, Pero me he perdido. Echo tanto de menos mi casa, Parecía así de fácil, Que no te...
Secrete lyrics
Tu tii secrete la care nimeni sa n-ajunga Si stai pe loc, dar viata mea trece pe langa E totul liniar, paradoxal, zambesc Sa nu te, sa nu te ranesc Tu...
Secrete [English translation]
You keep secrets which nobody will make it to And you stay in place, but my life passes next to you It's all linear, paradoxical, I smile Don't, don't...
Sub apa lyrics
Mi-a impietrit si sufletul in fata ta Chiar nu gasesc cuvinte sa mai spun ce fac Apari in umbra noptii Ce rar iti mai vad ochii Mi-a impietrit si inim...
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