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Porcupine Tree lyrics
Nine Cats [Spanish translation]
NUEVE GATOS (WILSON/DUFFY, 1982) Una mariposa zarpó en la brisa Pasando un campo de árboles de alambre de púas Donde dragones dorados perseguían Amapo...
Porcupine Tree - Octane Twisted
We go following sorrow to feel your Blood spilling out of the reeds there Give me a sign I can breathe air Blood flowing out of the stream there (give...
Octane Twisted [French translation]
Nous allons, suivant la tristesse afin de sentir ton Sang s'écouler des roseaux là-bas Fais-moi un signe, je peux respirer de l'air Le sang sort du co...
Octane Twisted [Spanish translation]
Vamos siguiendo la pena para sentir tu Sangre derramándose por las cañas allí Dame una señal de que puedo respirar aire Sangre fluyendo desde la corri...
Open Car lyrics
Nothing like this Felt in her kiss Cannot resist her Fell for her charm Lost in her arms I keep a photograph Give me a glimpse Let me come in Be there...
Open Car [French translation]
Rien de tel Je l'ai senti dans son baiser Je ne peux lui résister J'ai craqué pour son charme Je garde une photo Donne-moi un aperçu Laisse-moi entrer...
Open Car [Greek translation]
Τίποτα σαν κι αυτό δεν ένιωσα στο φιλί της Δεν μπορώ να της αντισταθώ Μ' έριξε με τη γοητεία της Χάθηκα μέσα στα χέρια της Κρατάω μια φωτογραφία Ρίξε ...
Open Car [Italian translation]
Niente è come quello che ho sentito nel suo bacio non potevo resisterle Abbattuto dal suo charm perso nelle sue braccia Tengo una foto che mi faccia d...
Open Car [Russian translation]
Не передать – Так целовать; Не устоять – с ней… Под шарм попал - Вруках пропал, Лишь фото я храню. Шанс освети – Можно войти, Побыть внутри тебя? И на...
Open Car [Spanish translation]
Nada como esto Sentí en su beso No puedo resistirme a ella Caí ante su encanto Perdido en sus brazos Guardo una fotografía Dame un vistazo Déjame entr...
Open Car [Turkish translation]
hiçbir şey onun öpüşündeki hissi veremiyor karşı koyamıyorum ona cazibesine yenik düşüyorum kollarında kayboluyorum bir fotoğrafını saklıyorum bana bi...
Piano Lessons lyrics
I remember piano lessons The hours in freezing rooms Cruel ears and tiny hands Destroying timeless tunes She said there's too much out there Too much ...
Piano Lessons [French translation]
Je me souviens des leçons de piano, Des heures passées dans des pièces glaciales, Des oreilles cruelles et des minuscules mains Détruisant des mélodie...
Piano Lessons [Spanish translation]
Recuerdo lecciones de piano Las horas en cuartos helados Orejas crueles y manos diminutas Destruyendo melodías atemporales Ella dijo que hay demasiado...
Pure Narcotic lyrics
You keep me waiting You keep me alone in a room full of friends You keep me hating You keep me listening to the Bends No amount of pointless days Can ...
Pure Narcotic [Spanish translation]
Me tienes esperando Me tienes solo en una habitación llena de amigos Me tienes odiando Me tienes escuchando The Bends No hay una cantidad de días absu...
Porcupine Tree - Radioactive Toy
Run through forests on a hot Summer day Trying to break down walls of numbing pain Give me the freedom to destroy Give me radioactive toy Taste the wa...
Radioactive Toy [Greek translation]
Run through forests on a hot Summer day Trying to break down walls of numbing pain Give me the freedom to destroy Give me radioactive toy Taste the wa...
Radioactive Toy [Spanish translation]
Run through forests on a hot Summer day Trying to break down walls of numbing pain Give me the freedom to destroy Give me radioactive toy Taste the wa...
Remember Me Lover lyrics
I didn't want to feel like a slave to your mood swings And I'm not saying anything I wouldn't say behind your back And all this shit could have happen...
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