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Porcupine Tree lyrics
Porcupine Tree - Lazarus
As the cheerless towns pass my window I can see a washed out moon through the fog And then a voice inside my head, breaks the analogue And says "Follo...
Lazarus [French translation]
Alors que les villes déprimantes défilent par la fenêtre, Je vois une lune délavée à travers le brouillard Et puis une voix à l'intérieur de ma tête b...
Lazarus [Greek translation]
Καθώς οι θλιβερές πόλεις περνούν απ' το παράθυρό μου Βλέπω ένα ξεβαμμένο φεγγάρι μέσα από την ομίχλη Και μετά μια φωνή μέσα στο κεφάλι μου, σπάει την ...
Lazarus [Hungarian translation]
Ahogy szaladnak a szürke városok A ködön át látom, felsejlik a hold Aztán egy hang a fejemben oldja a hasonlatot Azzal hogy: „Kövess engem, menjünk le...
Lazarus [Spanish translation]
Mientras las ciudades sin alegría pasan por mi ventana Puedo ver una luna descolorida a través de la niebla Y luego una voz dentro de mi cabeza, rompe...
Lazarus [Turkish translation]
İç karartıcı şehirler penceremden geçerken Sisin arasında solmuş bir ay görüyorum Ve sonra kafamın içindeki bir ses, analoğu kırıyor Ve şöyle diyor "B...
Lightbulb Sun lyrics
The sun is a light bulb A candle's a treat The curtains stay closed now On my little retreat And I'll only take medicine If it's followed by sweets A ...
Lightbulb Sun [French translation]
Le soleil est une ampoule Une chandelle est une gâterie Les rideaux restent fermés maintenant Dans mon petit refuge Et je ne prendrai des médicaments ...
Lightbulb Sun [Spanish translation]
El sol es una bombilla Una vela es un deleite Las cortinas permanecen cerradas ahora En mi pequeño retraimiento Y solo tomaré medicina Si viene antes ...
Linton Samuel Dawson lyrics
Linton Samuel Dawson Lives in inner space He hangs around with a circus troupe Outside the human race Linton Samuel Dawson Has just reached 25 Artists...
Linton Samuel Dawson [Spanish translation]
Linton Samuel Dawson Vive en el espacio interior Él anda con una compañía de circo Por fuera de la raza humana Linton Samuel Dawson Acaba de llegar a ...
Lips Of Ashes lyrics
Paralysed Lips of Ashes Synchronised Blue vein crashes Touching you inside Idolised Black Eyes fading You and I Connection failing I drill down inside...
Lips Of Ashes [French translation]
Paralysed Lips of Ashes Synchronised Blue vein crashes Touching you inside Idolised Black Eyes fading You and I Connection failing I drill down inside...
Lips Of Ashes [Spanish translation]
Paralysed Lips of Ashes Synchronised Blue vein crashes Touching you inside Idolised Black Eyes fading You and I Connection failing I drill down inside...
My Ashes lyrics
All the things that I needed And wasted my chances I have found myself wanting When my mother and father Gave me their problems I accepted them all No...
My Ashes [Croatian translation]
Sve stvari koje sam trebao I prilike koje sam propustio Opet sam poželio Kad su mi otac i majka Dali svoje probleme Prihvatio sam ih sve Nikad ništa n...
My Ashes [French translation]
Toutes les choses dont j'avais besoin Et toutes les chances gaspillées Que je voudrais maintenant ravoir Lorsque ma mère et mon père Me donnaient leur...
My Ashes [Spanish translation]
Todas las cosas que yo necesitaba Y pasé mis oportunidades He notado que quiero Cuando mi madre y padre Me dieron sus problemas Los acepté todos Nunca...
Nine Cats lyrics
NINE CATS (WILSON/DUFFY, 1982) A butterfly sailed on the breeze Past a field of barbed wire trees Where golden dragons chased around Pampered poppies ...
Nine Cats [Russian translation]
Бабочка проплыла на бризе Мимо поляны с деревьями из колючей проволоки, Где рыскали золотистые драконы, Нежились маки на земле. Две серебряных форели ...
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