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Porcupine Tree lyrics
I Find That I'm Not There [Spanish translation]
We lost the skyline We stepped right off the map Drifted in to blank space And let the clocks relapse We laughed the rain down Slow burn on the lawn G...
Idiot Prayer lyrics
I'm having the most perfect hallucination Green and blue patterns are forming all over me like a deck of cards Ha, ha, ha, ha, I have a feeling this i...
Idiot Prayer [Spanish translation]
I'm having the most perfect hallucination Green and blue patterns are forming all over me like a deck of cards Ha, ha, ha, ha, I have a feeling this i...
In Formaldehyde lyrics
Dust in the kitchen Coffeepot Microdots Now we are coasting Talking less Breathing stress Somewhere inside I have died So I will lie In formaldehyde P...
In Formaldehyde [Greek translation]
Σκόνη στην κουζίνα Καφετιέρα Μικροφωτογραφίες Τώρα κυλάμε Μιλάμε λιγότερο Αναπνέουμε άγχος Κάπου μέσα Έχω πεθάνει Οπότε θα ξαπλώσω Σε φορμαλδεύδη Άνθρ...
In Formaldehyde [Spanish translation]
Polvo en la cocina Cafetera Mensajes codificados Ahora estamos navegando por la orilla Hablando menos Respirando estrés En algún lugar dentro He muert...
Intermediate Jesus lyrics
Friend, in these days you need more than advice With this satanic invasion from legion diabolic, you need Christ Sin can bar you from God Disobedience...
Intermediate Jesus [Spanish translation]
Amigo, en estos días necesitas más que un consejo Con esta invasión satánica de legión diabólica, necesitas a Cristo El pecado puede alejarte de Dios ...
It Will Rain For A Million Years lyrics
I locked myself inside the capsule And watched the planet slowly turning blue The lights before me flashed and sparkled Holding keys to lives I've wan...
It Will Rain For A Million Years [Spanish translation]
Me encerré dentro de la cápsula Y vi cómo lentamente el planeta se tornaba azul Las luces ante mí centellearon y chispearon Guardando las llaves de la...
Jupiter Island lyrics
Jupiter Island is full of pleasures Glowing gardens holding hidden treasures Luminous flowers of yellows and greens Glittering petals that have to be ...
Jupiter Island [French translation]
Jupiter Island est remplie de plaisirs Des jardins lumineux renfermant des trésors cachés Des fleurs rayonnantes de jaunes et de verts Des pétales sci...
Jupiter Island [Spanish translation]
La isla de Júpiter está llena de placeres Jardines resplandecientes conteniendo tesoros ocultos Flores luminosas en amarillos y verdes Pétalos relucie...
Porcupine Tree - Kneel And Disconnect
Kneel and disconnect And waste another year Fill the application Start a new career Kneel and disconnect And waste another year Fill the application S...
Kneel And Disconnect [French translation]
Agenouille-toi et débranche-toi Et gaspille une autre année Remplis le formulaire Commence une nouvelle carrière Agenouille-toi et débranche-toi Et ga...
Kneel And Disconnect [Spanish translation]
Arrodíllate y desconéctate Y desperdicia otro año Llena la solicitud Empiece una nueva carrera Arrodíllate y desconéctate Y desperdicia otro año Llena...
Kneel And Disconnect [Turkish translation]
Diz çök ve kurtul Çarçur et bir başka yılı Başvuru yap ve başla yeni bir kariyere Diz çök ve kurtul Çarçur et bir başka yılı Başvuru yap ve başla yeni...
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled lyrics
[a) Winding Shot (Summer 1981)] If you fall asleep with me You can dream and drowse The minutes turn to hours We could climb a tree or two And watch t...
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled [Spanish translation]
[a) Oportunidad Sinuosa (Verano de 1981)] Si te quedas dormida junto a mí Puedes soñar y adormecerte Los minutos se convierten en horas Podríamos trep...
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled [Turkish translation]
[a) Winding Shot (1981 Yaz)] Eğer benimle uyursan Hayal edebilir ve uyuya kalabilirsin Dakikalar saatlere döner Bir iki ağaca tırmanabiliriz Ve güneşi...
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