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Porcupine Tree lyrics
Don't Hate Me [Spanish translation]
Una suave nevada cae sobre Londres Todo signo de vida se ha ido El tren se detiene en las estaciones Y nadie baja y nadie sube No me odies No soy espe...
Don't Hate Me [Turkish translation]
Londra’ya hafif bir kar düşüyor Tüm yaşam belirtileri yok oldu Tren istasonlara çekiyor Ve ne kimse iniyor ne de biniyor Benden nefret etme Ben senin ...
Porcupine Tree - Drawing the Line
Camphor crossed with lace, it is the witching hour Cinematic but crude Teasing all my feelings out, you move away It seems so natural to you Still sir...
Drawing the Line [French translation]
Du camphre traversé dentelle, c'est l'heure du crime Cinématique, mais crue Te moquant de mes sentiments, tu t'éloignes Ça semble si naturel pour toi ...
Drawing the Line [Spanish translation]
Alcanfor cruzado con encaje, es la hora de las brujas Cinemático pero burdo Tentando a todos mis sentimientos, te alejas Te parece tan natural Sirena ...
Drown With Me lyrics
So you have been of use And you have been abused You know you look pale today Your lipstick has gone astray You sold out and lost your looks You gave ...
Drown With Me [French translation]
Alors, tu as été utile Et on a abusé de toi Tu sais, tu as l'air bien pâle aujourd'hui Ton rouge à lèvres est appliqué de travers Tu t'es vendue et tu...
Drown With Me [Spanish translation]
Así que has sido de utilidad Y has sido abusada Sabes que te ves pálida hoy Tu labial se ha corrido Te vendiste y perdiste tu belleza Regalaste todos ...
Even Less lyrics
A body is washed up on a Norfolk beach He was a friend that I could not reach He thought I was cold but I understand But for the grace of god goes ano...
Even Less [French translation]
A body is washed up on a Norfolk beach He was a friend that I could not reach He thought I was cold but I understand But for the grace of god goes ano...
Even Less [Greek translation]
A body is washed up on a Norfolk beach He was a friend that I could not reach He thought I was cold but I understand But for the grace of god goes ano...
Even Less [Spanish translation]
A body is washed up on a Norfolk beach He was a friend that I could not reach He thought I was cold but I understand But for the grace of god goes ano...
Every Home Is Wired lyrics
Modem load and failsafe Electric teenage dust Hit the solvent keypad Start the neural rust Power on the highway Data in my head Surfing on the network...
Every Home Is Wired [Spanish translation]
Carga de módem a prueba de fallos Polvo eléctrico de adolescente Golpea el teclado solvente Comienza la oxidación neural Energía en la carretera Datos...
Fadeaway lyrics
I sat in the room with a view The girl in the photograph knew Can't you see? Why is she laughing at me? I stumbled through the dark unaware The face i...
Fadeaway [Spanish translation]
Me senté en la habitación con vista La chica en la fotografía sabía No lo ves? Por qué se ríe de mí? Tropecé en la oscuridad, desprevenido La cara en ...
Fear Of A Blank Planet lyrics
Sunlight coming through the haze No gaps in the blinds to let it inside The bed is unmade, some music still plays TV, yeah, it's always on The flicker...
Fear Of A Blank Planet [Greek translation]
Φως του ηλίου βγαίνει μέσα από την ομίχλη Τα στόρια δεν έχουν κενά για να το αφήσουν να μπει Το κρεβάτι είναι άστρωτο, μια μουσική παίζει ακόμα Η τηλε...
Fear Of A Blank Planet [Spanish translation]
La luz del sol entra a través de la niebla No hay aperturas en las cortinas que lo dejen entrar La cama está destendida, aún se puede escuchar música ...
Fear Of A Blank Planet [Turkish translation]
Sisin içinden gelen gün ışığı Perdeler sımsıkı kapalı, giremiyor içeri Yatak dağınık, arkada bir müzik çalıyor Televizyon, evet, hep açık Ekran titreş...
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