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Porcupine Tree lyrics
Bonnie the Cat [Spanish translation]
No puedo sentir el dolor que esperaba Aun así coloco las llaves en el encendido Yo sé lo que será Un pensamiento no me deja dormir Vi el futuro y es l...
Bornlivedie lyrics
We invite you, wherever you are – whether you are at home or whatever – to kick your shoes off and put your feet up and lean back and get yourself a c...
Bornlivedie [Spanish translation]
We invite you, wherever you are – whether you are at home or whatever – to kick your shoes off and put your feet up and lean back and get yourself a c...
Buying New Soul lyrics
Dried up, a guitar upon my knee I should have sold out when the devil came for me Dig a hole and throw it out to sea Break the code, how happy I could...
Buying New Soul [French translation]
Dried up, a guitar upon my knee I should have sold out when the devil came for me Dig a hole and throw it out to sea Break the code, how happy I could...
Buying New Soul [Spanish translation]
Dried up, a guitar upon my knee I should have sold out when the devil came for me Dig a hole and throw it out to sea Break the code, how happy I could...
Collapse the Light Into Earth lyrics
I won't shiver in the cold I won't let the shadows take their toll I won't cover my head in the dark And I won't forget you when we part Collapse the ...
Collapse the Light Into Earth [Spanish translation]
No tiritaré en el frío No dejaré que las sombras hagan efecto No cubriré mi cabeza en la oscuridad Y no te olvidaré cuando nos separemos Colapsa la lu...
Cure For Optimism lyrics
Up there a mountain rises Down here an ocean dives A stranger with a head full of lead Photographs me Steel bars and a doctor's note Don't give up The...
Cure For Optimism [Greek translation]
Εκεί ψηλά ένα βουνό ανυψώνεται Εδώ κάτω ένας ωκεανός βουτά Ένας ξένος με ένα κεφάλι γεμάτο καθοδήγηση Με φωτογραφίζει Ατσάλινες μπάρες και το γράμμα ε...
Cure For Optimism [Spanish translation]
Allá arriba se eleva una montaña Aquí abajo un océano se sumerge Un extraño con la cabeza llena de plomo Me fotografía Barras de acero y una nota del ...
Dark Matter lyrics
Inside the vehicle the cold is extreme Smoke in my throat kicks me out of my dream I try to relax but its warmer outside I fail to connect, it's a tra...
Dark Matter [Spanish translation]
Dentro del vehículo el frío es extremo El humo en mi garganta me saca del sueño Intento relajarme pero está más cálido afuera No consigo conectarme, e...
Dislocated Day lyrics
A dislocated day Peers in to the ether Counts the stars inside the sky And flies in to the never Looped around my eyelids A thousand shining flecks Pa...
Dislocated Day [Spanish translation]
Un día desencajado Mira hacia el éter Cuenta las estrellas dentro del cielo Y vuela hacia el jamás Dando vueltas al rededor de mis párpados Miles de m...
Don't Hate Me lyrics
A light snow is falling on London All sign of the living has gone The train pulls into the stations And no-one gets off and no-one gets on Don't hate ...
Don't Hate Me [French translation]
Une neige légère tombe sur Londres Tout signe de vie a disparu Le train entrent dans les stations Et personne ne débarque, et personne n'embarque Ne m...
Don't Hate Me [Greek translation]
Ένα ελαφρύ χιόνι πέφτει στο Λονδίνο Όλα τα σημάδια ζωής έχουν εξαφανιστεί Το τρένο πηγαίνει στις στάσεις Και κανείς δεν κατεβαίνει και κανείς δεν ανεβ...
Don't Hate Me [Persian translation]
یه برف ملایم داره میباره روی لندن همه ی نشانه های زندگی از بین رفته اخرین قطار وارد ایستگاه میشه نه کسی پیاده میشه و نه کسی سوار از من متنفر نباش من م...
Don't Hate Me [Russian translation]
На Лондон падает снег Улицы будто вымерли Поезд ползёт через станции И никто не выходит и не заходит Не нужно меня ненавидеть Я не такой особенный как...
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