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Porcupine Tree lyrics
Way out of here lyrics
Out at the train tracks I dream of escape But a song comes onto my iPod And I realize it's getting late I can't take the staring and the sympathy And ...
Way out of here [Croatian translation]
Na željezničkoj pruzi, sanjam o bijegu Ali tad počne pjesma na iPodu I shvaćam da je već kasno Ne mogu podnijeti zurenje i suosjećanje I ne volim pita...
Way out of here [Greek translation]
Έξω στις ράγες του τρένου ονειρεύομαι μια απόδραση Αλλά ένα τραγούδι παίζει στο iPod μου Και συνειδητοποιώ ότι νυχτώνει Δεν αντέχω τα βλέμματα και την...
Way out of here [Persian translation]
بیرون نزدیک ریل های قطار , خیال فرار دارم اما یه آهنگ روی آیپدم پخش میشه و متوجه میشم داره دیر میشه من نمیتونم نگاه خیره و همدردی رو تحمل کنم و از این...
Way out of here [Persian translation]
بیرون، روی ریل قطار من آرزوی گریز رو دارم اما یه آهنگ به آیپدم میاد و من متوجه میشم که داره دیر میشه (فرد تصمیم به خودکشی داره) و من نمیتونم خیره شدن ...
Way out of here [Spanish translation]
Afuera, sobre los rieles de los trenes, sueño con escapar Pero una canción comienza a sonar en mi iPod Y me doy cuenta de que se está haciendo tarde Y...
Where We Would Be lyrics
Tied - tied to a time When we knew that the sun would shine And you were all smiles And we could just talk for a while... Of where we would be when th...
Where We Would Be [Portuguese translation]
Atado — Atado a um tempo Quando sabíamos que o sol iria brilhar E você era toda sorrisos E nós poderíamos apenas conversar por um momento... Sobre ond...
Where We Would Be [Spanish translation]
Atado - atado a un momento En que sabíamos que el sol brillaría Y tú eras puras sonrisas Y podíamos simplemente hablar por un rato... De dónde estaría...
Your Unpleasant Family lyrics
Your unpleasant family, smashed up my car (perfectly uncalled for) Your unpleasant family, how vile they are (I crawled out of the wreckage on my knee...
Your Unpleasant Family [French translation]
Ta déplaisante famille A démoli ma voiture (Tout à fait injustifié) Ta déplaisante famille, Comme il sont ignobles (J'ai rampé à genoux d'en-dessous d...
Your Unpleasant Family [Spanish translation]
Tu desagradable familia destruyó mi auto (completamente inmerecido) Tu desagradable familia qué detestables que son (salí de los restos destruidos arr...
Your Unpleasant Family [Turkish translation]
Senin nahoş ailen, arabamı mahvetti Tam olarak durduk yere hem de Senin nahoş ailen, Ne kadar alçaklar? Enkazdan dizlerimin üstünde sürünerek çıktım H...
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