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Porcupine Tree lyrics
Stop Swimming lyrics
This song leaks out onto the pavement It could be a joke, it could be a statement The more that I fake it and pretend I don't care The more you can re...
Stop Swimming [Spanish translation]
Esta canción se filtra hacia la acera Podría ser una broma, podría ser una declaración Mientras más finjo y finjo que no me importa Mientras más pueda...
Stranger By The Minute lyrics
Ghosts in the park Appear just after dark Killers, children ... But no-one has a harp They look like tourists It makes me want to laugh Under floorboa...
Stranger By The Minute [Spanish translation]
Fantasmas en el parque Aparecen justo después del anochecer Asesinos, niños ... Pero nadie tiene un arpa Parecen turistas Me dan ganas de reír Debajo ...
Strip The Soul lyrics
This is my home, this is my own, we don't like no strangers Raise the kids good, beat the kids good and tie them up Spread it wide, my wife, my life, ...
Strip The Soul [Spanish translation]
Esta es mi casa, esta es la mía, no nos gustan los desconocidos Cría bien a los niños, golpea bien a los niños y átalos Extiéndelo bien, mi esposa, mi...
Synesthesia lyrics
I'm sending you a letter Because I don't think there's much time Time to clear the cobwebs Time to bear the crime It's only a number It's only a death...
Synesthesia [Spanish translation]
I'm sending you a letter Because I don't think there's much time Time to clear the cobwebs Time to bear the crime It's only a number It's only a death...
The Blind House lyrics
If you wanna stay Always here All these years A last frontier It's no concern of theirs The world outside Corrupts my child So trust these eyes Faith ...
The Blind House [French translation]
Si tu veux rester Toujours ici Toutes ces années Une dernière frontière Ce n'est pas de leurs affaires Le monde à l'extérieur Corrompt mon enfant Alor...
The Blind House [Greek translation]
Αν θες να μείνεις Πάντα εδώ Όλα αυτά τα χρόνια Ένα τελευταίο σύνορο Δεν τους αφορά Ο κόσμος έξω Διαφθείρει το παιδί μου Οπότε εμπιστεύσου αυτά τα μάτι...
The Blind House [Spanish translation]
Si quieres quedarte Siempre aquí Todos estos años Una ultima frontera No es de su incumbencia El mundo exterior Corrompe a mi niña Así que confía en e...
The Creator Has A Mastertape lyrics
He captured and collected things And he put them in a shed He raised a proper family So he could tie them to a bed The creator had a mastertape But he...
The Creator Has A Mastertape [Greek translation]
Άρπαζε και σύλλεγε πράγματα Και τα έβαζε κάτω από ένα υπόστεγο Μεγάλωσε μία σωστή οικογένεια Ώστε να μπορέσει να τους δέσει στο κρεβάτι Ο δημιουργός ε...
The Creator Has A Mastertape [Spanish translation]
Él capturó y recogió cosas Y las puso en un cobertizo Crió una familia correcta Para poder atarlos a una cama El creador tenía una cinta maestra Pero ...
The Incident lyrics
At junction 8 the traffic starts to slow Artilleries of braking lights and bluish glow Ascending in a plumage of twisted steel Shattered glass and con...
The Incident [French translation]
À la jonction no.8, le trafic commence à ralentir Une artillerie de feux arrières et reflets bleus S'élevant dans plumage d'acier tordu Du verre brisé...
The Incident [Spanish translation]
En el cruce 8, el tráfico comienza a ralentizarse Artillería de luces de freno y resplandor azulado Ascendiendo en un plumaje de acero retorcido Crist...
The Long Silence lyrics
A systematic killer Returning from Madrid Murdered Mozart in his garden Mussolini ran and hid He was chosen by his elders Sitting on the shelf They pa...
The Long Silence [Spanish translation]
A systematic killer Returning from Madrid Murdered Mozart in his garden Mussolini ran and hid He was chosen by his elders Sitting on the shelf They pa...
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