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Fiona Apple lyrics
I Want You To Love Me lyrics
I've waited many years, every print I left upon the track has led me here. And next year it'll be clear this was only leading me to that. And by that ...
I Want You To Love Me [French translation]
J'ai attendu pendant plusieurs années, Chaque empreinte que j'ai laissé sur le chemin m'a conduite ici Et l'année prochaine il sera clair que Cela ne ...
I Want You To Love Me [Spanish translation]
Esperé tantos años, cada huella que dejé por el camino me llevó hasta aquí. Y el año que viene va a estar claro que esto sólo me estaba llevando a eso...
I Want You To Love Me [Turkish translation]
Senelerce bekledim, bu yolda bıraktığım bütün izler beni buraya yönlendirdi. Ve gelecek sene hepsi temizlenecek çünkü hepsi sadece beni buraya yönlend...
Jonathan lyrics
Jonathan, call again Take me to Coney Island Take me on the train Kiss me while I calculate And calibrate and heaven's sake Don't make me explain Just...
Ladies lyrics
[Intro] Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies [Verse 1] Ruminati...
Largo lyrics
I was recently rid of a man again So I caught me a cab to see Flanagan I told the cabbie "the alley in back" I told myself coming would keep me intact...
Left Alone lyrics
You made your major overtures When you were a sure and orotund mutt And I was still a dewy petal Rather than a moribund slut My love wrecked you You p...
Left Alone [Italian translation]
Hai fatto la tua più grande offerta Quando eri un cane bastardo, arrogante e pomposo Ed io ero solo un petalo bagnato dalla rugiada, Invece che questa...
Limp lyrics
You wanna make me sick You wanna lick my wounds, don't you, baby? You want the badge of honor when you save my hide But you're the one in the way of t...
Limp [Japanese translation]
吐き気がするわ さぁ 傷口をお舐め 私の隠れ家を救った勲章でも欲しい? でもね、もうあなたは破滅への道を歩き出してるの あなたのプライドを取り戻すためだけに 私を汚した瞬間からね 考えただけで 思わず拳をきつく握る ねぇ 私いったい何をしたっていうの でもね、もう私が何をしたって あなたは嘘を重ねる...
Limp [Portuguese translation]
Você quer me deixar doente Você quer lamber minhas feridas, não é, querido? Você quer a medalha de honra quando salvar meu couro Mas é você que está n...
Limp [Turkish translation]
Beni hasta etmek istiyorsun Yaralarımı yalamak istiyorsun, değil mi, bebeğim? Postumu kurtardığında bir onur nişanı kazanmak istiyorsun değil mi? Ama ...
Love Ridden lyrics
Love ridden, I've looked at you With the focus I gave to my birthday candles I've wished on the lidded blue flames Under your brow And baby, I wished ...
Love Ridden [Portuguese translation]
Amor já amado, eu olhei para você Com a atenção com que olhei para minhas velas de aniversário Eu fiz um desejo às pequenas chamas azuis encobertas Pe...
Love Ridden [Turkish translation]
Aşk istilası, sana baktım Doğumgünü mumlarıma odaklandığım gibi Kapaklı mavi alevlere dilek tuttum Kaşının altında Ve bebeğim, senin için tuttum bu di...
Never is a Promise lyrics
You'll never see the courage I know Its color's richness won't appear within your view I'll never glow the way that you glow Your presence dominates t...
Never is a Promise [Russian translation]
Тебе никогда не увидеть храбрости, что знаю я, Буйству её красок не показаться тебе на глаза. Мне никогда не сиять, как тебе; Твоё присутствие отражае...
Never is a Promise [Turkish translation]
Benim gösterdiğim cesareti asla göremeyeceksin Senin açından renklerin zenginliği görünmeyecek. Senin parladığın yolları asla parlatamayacağım Varlığı...
Newspaper lyrics
I too used to want him to be proud of me And then I just wanted him to make amends I wonder what lies he's telling you about me To make sure that we'l...
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