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Alter Bridge lyrics
This Side of Fate lyrics
This side of fate Is blind The choice has been made It's time For all that we've done Will we ever choose to see? The fault of our own This fate we mu...
Ties That Bind lyrics
I tear on the leash That keeps me contained and controlled Let me go, I want to break free And fight my way out of this hole One last hope To rise and...
Twilight lyrics
The world has gone mad, the future is so unclear Where do we stand? It feels like the end is near I remember everything you said and what would come t...
Walking on the Sky lyrics
You have wandered In the storm Are you fearless Anymore Though you don't need To escape All these questions Still remain The question still remains Do...
Watch over you lyrics
Leaves are on the ground Fall has come Blue skies turning Grey Like my love I tried to carry you And make you whole But it was never enough I must go ...
Watch over you [Arabic translation]
أوراق الشجر على الأرض الخريف قد أتى السماء الزرقاء تتحول رمادية كحبي حاولت أن أحملك و أكملك لكن ذلك لمن يكن كافيا يجب أن أرحل من سينقذك حين أرحل؟ و من...
Watch over you [German translation]
Blätter liegen auf dem Boden Der Herbst ist da Blaue Himmel werden grau Wie meine Liebe Ich versuche dich zu tragen Und dich zu vervollständigen Doch ...
Watch over you [Greek translation]
Τα φύλλα είναι στο έδαφος Έχει έρθει το φθινόπωρο Οι γαλάζιοι ουρανοί γίνονται γκρι Σαν την αγάπη μου Προσπάθησα να σε κουβαλήσω Και να σε κάνω ολόκλη...
Watch over you [Romanian translation]
Pe pământ sunt frunze A venit toamna Cerurile albastre devenind gri La fel ca dragostea mea Încerc să te port Să te întregesc Dar nu a fost niciodată ...
Watch over you [Serbian translation]
Lišće je na zemlji Jesen je stigla Plavo nebo se pretvorilo u sivo Baš kao i moja ljubav Pokušao sam da te utešim Da te učinim celom Ali ništa nije bi...
Watch over you [Spanish translation]
Hojas están en la tierra Se ha tornado otoño Cielos azules se volviendo grises Como mi amor Intento te llevar Y te llenar de vida Pero nunca era sufic...
Watch over you [Turkish translation]
Yerdeki yapraklar Sonbahar geldi Mavi gökyüzü griye döndü Tıpkı aşkım gibi Seni taşımaya çalıştım Ve seni bütün yapmaya Ama asla yeterli değildi Gitme...
Watch over you [Turkish translation]
Yapraklar yere düştü Sohbahar geldi Mavi gökyüzü griye dönüyor Sevgim gibi Seni taşımaya çalıştım Ve bir bütün yapmaya Ama hiç bir zaman yeterli olama...
Watch over you [Turkish translation]
Yapraklar yere dokuldu Sonbahar geldi. Mavi gokler gri oldu Sevgim gibi. Seni kaldirmaya Tamamen olmayacalistim. Ama asla yetmemisti Artik ben gitmeli...
Watch Your Words lyrics
Watch your words Or your words might drown you And cure my wounds And the light will blind you To truly see well you must have faith Oh the righteous ...
Waters Rising lyrics
Now is the end of time, a fool and his legacy are gone His pride found another way to make sure it all went wrong Awaken a new day, our fears have com...
Wayward One lyrics
And they cry And they call As the wayward walk alone City lights Urban sprawl In a place no one should know Shown no grace Shown no love These mean st...
Wayward One [Greek translation]
Και κλαίνε Και φωνάζουν Καθώς οι παραστρατημένοι περπατούν μονάχοι Φώτα της πόλης Αστική εξάπλωση Σε ένα μέρος που κανείς δεν θα έπρεπε να το γνωρίζει...
White Knuckles lyrics
Are you still lost tonight Living but dead inside This is a proclamation This is a call to rise Are you abused, alone? Walking with broken bones If yo...
Wonderful Life lyrics
How many times have you cut Only to feel the pain? How many days have you run Only to crawl? How many nights did you scream Only to scream in vain? Ho...
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