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Alter Bridge lyrics
Lover [Greek translation]
Αν αρνείσαι τις πληγές του εραστή σου θα ανακαλύψεις Ότι αυτό που είχες έχει γίνει θρύψαλα και πήγε στράφι Έπρεπε να το φτάσεις τόσο μακριά; Η αλήθεια...
Make It Right lyrics
How many times have you cut only to feel the pain? How many days have you run only to crawl? How many nights did you scream only to scream in vain? Ho...
Make It Right [Turkish translation]
Kaç kere sadece acıyı hissetmek için kestin? Kaç gün sadece sürünmek için koştun? Kaç gece sadece boşuna çığlık atmak için çığlık attın? Bunların heps...
Metalingus lyrics
On this day I see clearly everything has come to life A bitter place and a broken dream And we'll leave it all behind On this day its so real to me Ev...
Metalingus [Romanian translation]
În această zi văd clar, totul a venit la viață Un loc amar și un vis spulberat Și o să lăsăm totul în urmă În această zi totul este atât de real pentr...
Metalingus [Serbian translation]
Danas vidim jasno Sve je oživelo Gorko mesto i slomljeni San I sve to ćemo ostaviti iza sebe. Danas sve mi je tako stvarno Sve je oživelo Još jedna pr...
My Champion lyrics
May this be your victory song A song for you when I am gone Reminding you of what you're meant to be A gift to bring you clarity To show you that your...
My Champion [Turkish translation]
Bu senin zafer şarkın olabilir mi Ben gittiğim zaman senin için olan bir şarkı Ne olmak istediğini sana hatırlatan Sana açıklık getiren bir hediye San...
Native Son lyrics
Fate Giver of life now is all but dead and gone Pain Left to die in blood drenched fields or driven off Now nothing remains A ritual tamed What's take...
One By One lyrics
Underneath the desert sun They bid my brother's blood to run Many miles away Hell has come today Fire raining from the sky See the face of fear asking...
One By One [French translation]
Sous le soleil du désert, Ils ont fait couler le sang de mon frère À plusieurs miles d'ici, L'enfer est venu aujourd'hui Une averse de feu tombe du ci...
One Day Remains lyrics
As your will is bent and broken And every vision has been cast into the wind As your courage crashes down before your eyes Don't lay down and die [Ref...
One Life lyrics
One light Burning from long ago The eternal flame It's calling me back To find One life With so many tales untold Living with open eyes I discover a n...
Open your eyes lyrics
Looking back I clearly see What it is that's killing me Through the eyes of one I know I see a vision once let go I had it all Constantly it burdens m...
Open your eyes [Bengali translation]
আমি স্পষ্ট দেখি পুরনো স্মৃতি চারনে যা আমাকে খুন (নিঃশ্বেষ) করেছে আমার চেনা সেই চোখ দিয়ে এক বড় দিক বলয়, যাকে যেতে দিতে হল এসবকিছু আমারই ছিল ধ্রূবকের মত...
Open your eyes [Greek translation]
Κοιτώντας πίσω καθαρά βλέπω Τι είναι αυτό που με σκοτώνει Μέσα από τα μάτια ενός που ξέρω Βλέπω ένα όραμα και το αφήνω να φύγει Τα είχα όλα Συνεχώς μο...
Open your eyes [Romanian translation]
Privind în urmă văd clar Ce anume mă ucide Prin ochii cuiva pe care-l cunosc Văd o viziune la care am renunțat cândva, Am avut totul. Mă apasă în mod ...
Pay No Mind lyrics
A lost soul A willing hand A scapegoat The sacrificial lamb It's so cold A one way scam That takes hold So devious, the plan But time It will unravel ...
Peace Is Broken lyrics
All the sorrows that you've known All the wars that you wage I'm bearing arms against your own As you throw your life away The peace is broken You did...
Poison in Your Veins lyrics
How long will you cower down Until you come to see That courage is the hallowed ground That changes destiny? That only those who dare to win With no f...
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