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Alter Bridge lyrics
In Loving Memory [Dutch translation]
Bedankt voor alles wat je hebt gedaan Ik heb je zolang gemist Ik kan niet geloven dat je er niet meer bent Je leeft nog in mij voort Ik voel je in de ...
In Loving Memory [French translation]
Merci pour tout ce que tu as fait Tu me manques depuis si longtemps Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu sois partie Tu vis toujours en moi Je te sens dans...
In Loving Memory [German translation]
Vielen Dank für alles, was du getan hast, Ich habe dich so lange vermisst Ich kann nicht glauben das du weg bist du lebst immer noch in mir Ich fühle ...
In Loving Memory [Greek translation]
Σε ευχαριστω για ολα οσα εκανες Μου ελειψες ολο αυτο τον καιρο Δεν το πιτστευω οτι εφυγες Ακομα ζεις μεσα μου Σε νιωθω μεσα στον ανεμο Συνεχως με καθο...
In Loving Memory [Hungarian translation]
Köszönet mindazért, amit tettél, Oly sokáig hiányoltalak, Nem tudom elhinni, hogy elmentél, Mert még mindig bennem élsz. Érezlek a szélben, Folyamatos...
In Loving Memory [Italian translation]
Grazie per tutto ciò che hai fatto Mi manchi da un'eternità Non posso credere che te ne sia andata Vivi ancora in me Posso sentirti nel vento Mi guidi...
In Loving Memory [Norwegian translation]
Takk for alt du har gjort Jeg har savnet deg så lenge Jeg kan ikke tro de er borte Du er fortsatt i meg Jeg føler deg i vinden Du veileder meg hele ti...
In Loving Memory [Serbian translation]
Hvala ti za sve što si uradila Tako dugo mi nedostaješ Ne mogu da verujem da si otišla I dalje živiš u meni Osećam te u vetru Čuvaš me stalno Nikad ni...
In Loving Memory [Serbian translation]
Hvala za sve što si uradio Propustio sam vam toliko dugo Ja ne mogu da verujem da ste otišli Vi još uvek živi u meni Ja osećam te u vetru Vi vodite m...
In Loving Memory [Spanish translation]
Gracias por todo lo que haz hecho Te he extrañado tanto tiempo No puedo creer que ya no estés Aún vives en mi Te siento en el viento Me guías constant...
In the Deep lyrics
I am still as the moment I hold in my hand I can't let go Here and now, time and space, the illusion so grand And then I know Every breath leads the w...
Indoctrination lyrics
It's time Want to take you as you are Just purse your lips And close your eyes So sweet The nectar of your heart Take me in I'll make you mine I'm in ...
Island of Fools lyrics
Shatter the illusions Of the world that you believed in long ago You can let go Nothing's sacred, can't survive You'll reach the end On borrowed time ...
Isolation lyrics
When all is lost to you inside When all the darkness takes the light The ritual it has begun Now you tear away from everyone Disconnected, so alone Se...
Life Must Go On lyrics
Sitting alone in the cold of the night You're trying to find what you need to survive You're so afraid You can't go on Left in the silence that tears ...
Life Must Go On [Italian translation]
La notte ti siedi da sola fuori al freddo, cerchi di trovare una ragione per sopravvivere, sei così spaventata, non riesci ad andare avanti. Abbandona...
Life Must Go On [Turkish translation]
Soğuk bir gecenin koynundayken Hayatta kalmak için ihtiyacın olan şeyi bulmaya çalışıyorsun Stres sarmış etrafını Yoluna bakamıyorsun Kalbini söken bi...
Losing Patience lyrics
Sitting by the telephone Waiting for what never comes A chance to be the chosen one is all but gone Arise the tide within your heart A longing for ano...
Lover lyrics
If you deny the wounds of your lover you will discover That what you had is shattered and wasted Did you have to take it so far? The truth exposed to ...
Lover [French translation]
Si tu nies les blessures de ton amante, tu découvriras Que ce que tu avais est en pièces et gaspillé Devais-tu vraiment aller aussi loin? La vérité ex...
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