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Delain lyrics
My Masquerade [Romanian translation]
Fata ta - Fata mea Tu respiri - Eu respir Nu reusesti - Eu ma prefac Eu ma rog - Eu ma rog Tu pierzi - Eu pierd Tu zdrobesti - Eu zdrobesc Eu vanez - ...
My Masquerade [Spanish translation]
Tu cara, mi cara Tu respiras, yo respiro Tu fallas, yo finjo Tu rezas, yo rezo Tu pierdes, yo pierdo Tu dueles, yo duelo1 Yo caso, tu te quedas Mi pre...
No Compliance lyrics
[Sharon den Adel:] It feels so dangerous I don't know where you are You can't control my every move Although you try so hard Accept it, leave it, your...
No Compliance [Russian translation]
[Шарон ден Адель:] Всё кажется таким опасным... Я не знаю, где ты. Ты не можешь контролировать каждое моё движение, Хотя ты и очень стараешься. Пойми ...
No Compliance [Spanish translation]
[Sharon den Adel:] Se siente tan peligroso No sé donde estás No puedes controlarme más Por mucho que lo intentes Me dijo que la sabiduría no me haría ...
Not Enough lyrics
Judgement is easy You pick a side and a comfortable lie Heavy the burden When every victim is self-defined Try to understand It's harder to apologize ...
Not Enough [French translation]
Il est facile de passer un jugement, De choisir un côté et un mensonge commode Le fardeau est lourd Lorsque la victime se définie elle-même Essaie de ...
Not Enough [Persian translation]
قضاوت کردن کار ساده‌ایه باید مشخص کنی طرف کی هستی و با کدوم دروغ وجدانت راحت‌تره ولی بار سنگینیه وقتی همه خودشون رو قربانی می‌دونند سعی کن درک کنی که ...
Nothing Left lyrics
Nothing left to make you feel high Nothing left to turn you on Laughing in your childish disguise You rule the night Follow me back home ‘Cause the ni...
Nothing Left [Persian translation]
چیزی باقی نمانده که احساس سرخوشی به تو بدهد چیزی باقی نمانده که تحریکت کند از پشت نقاب کودکانه‌ات میخندی و بر شب حکم‌رانی می‌کنی با من به خانه بیا چون...
On the Other Side lyrics
Will you wait? I’m on the other side - The other side Will you wait? I’m on the other side It’s too late to tell you what I’m about But God - I’m prou...
On the Other Side [French translation]
Attendras-tu? Je suis de l'autre côté, de l'autre côté Attendras-tu? Je suis de l'autre côté Il est trop tard pour te dire qui je suis, Mais mon Dieu,...
One Second lyrics
Don't want to close my eyes again Cause every time I do you're there With that smug look on your face Don't want to fall asleep again Cause every time...
One Second [Russian translation]
Не хочу вновь закрывать глаза. Ведь каждый раз, когда я это делаю, ты предстаёшь передо мной С самодовольным выражением лица. Я не хочу вновь засыпать...
Pendulum lyrics
Time's moving onwards Pushing and pulling me Offering no release Where do we go now Why can't we pause and stay I'm hanging on the Pendulum below the ...
Pendulum [French translation]
Le temps avance, Me poussant et me tirant, Ne m'offrant aucun répit Où aller maintenant? Pourquoi ne pouvons-nous pas arrêter et rester? Je suis suspe...
Pristine lyrics
Once upon the dawn Day will break It begins on time Flowing while it's glowing It arrives on time Subjected to origin Is to know that nothing Becomes ...
Pristine [Spanish translation]
Una vez en la madrugada El día terminará El comiendo del tiempo Fluyendo mientras brilla Llegando a tiempo Sujetos al origen Es conocer que nada Se co...
Scarlet lyrics
Like a flower - grows on intentionally towards the sun I grow towards the one that hurts me most And like a razor follows upon command Follows a guidi...
Scarlet [French translation]
Telle une fleur pousse sans le vouloir vers le soleil, Je pousse vers celui qui me fait le plus mal Et tel un rasoir s'abattant à volonté, Suivant la ...
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