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Delain lyrics
[Deep] Frozen lyrics
Misted windows Hide your empty eyes Every moment, every whisper Separates you from me I've been screaming Won't you let me in? Let me see a trace Of t...
[Deep] Frozen [French translation]
Des fenêtres embuées Camouflent ton regard vide Chaque instant, chaque murmure De sépare de moi Je hurle, Veux-tu bien me laisser entrer? Laisse-moi a...
[Deep] Frozen [Italian translation]
Vetri appannati Nascondono i tuoi occhi vuoti Ogni momento, ogni sussurro Ti separa da me Ho urlato Non vuoi lasciarmi entrare? Lasciami vedere una tr...
A Day for Ghosts lyrics
The livelong day there's a voice in my cry Growing like fire, (it brings) scorn to my smile Time lengthens the night, and shortens the day The ghosts ...
A Day for Ghosts [French translation]
Toute la sainte journée, il y a une voix dans mon cri Grandissant tel le feu, (apportant) le mépris à mon sourire Le temps allonge la nuit et raccourc...
A Day for Ghosts [Italian translation]
Il giorno di Ognissanti c’è una voce nel mio pianto Cresce come il fuoco, porta sdegno al mio sorriso Il tempo allunga la notte e accorcia il giorno I...
A Day for Ghosts [Spanish translation]
Todo el día santo hay una voz en mi llanto, gruñendo como el fuego (que trae) desprecio a mi sonrisa. El tiempo se alarga la noche y reduce el día, lo...
A Day for Ghosts [Turkish translation]
Hayatım boyunca ağlamamda bir ses var Ateş gibi büyüyor, gülüşüme küçümsüyor Zaman geceyi uzatır ve günü kısaltır Barındırdığım hayaletler gitmiyor gi...
April Rain lyrics
How does it feel when all you're counting on is scattering Every wind that you have sailed upon, a hurricane Every summer you have seen was filled wit...
April Rain [French translation]
Comment vis tu lorsque ce en quoi tu confiais part en lambaux Chaque souffle qui t'a poussé comme un ouragan Chaque été de ta vie a été marqué par la ...
April Rain [Hindi translation]
कैसा लगता है जब आपका सबकुछ बिखर रहा होता है प्रत्येक वायु जिसमे आप रवाना हुए हो वह प्रचंड वायु बन जाए आपका बिताया हुआ हर गर्मी का मौसम अप्रैल की बारिश...
April Rain [Hungarian translation]
Milyen érzés, mikor minden, mire számítasz, szétszóródik? Minden szél, melyet valaha befogtál, egy hurrikán Minden általad látott nyár tele volt ápril...
April Rain [Italian translation]
Come ci si sente, quando tutto ciò in cui credi sta andando in pezzi Ogni vento che ti ha spinto, un uragano Ogni estate che hai vissuto e stata segna...
April Rain [Serbian translation]
Kako se osećaš kada računaš na rasturanje? Svaki vetar kojim si plovio, uragan Svako leto koje si video bilo je ispunjeno aprilskom kišom To ne ide la...
April Rain [Spanish translation]
¿Cómo se siente cuando todo en lo que contabas se desvanece? Cada viento con el que navegaste, un huracán Cada verano que has visto se ha llenado con ...
April Rain [Turkish translation]
Tüm güvendiğin dağıtmakken nasıl hissediyorsun? Yelken açtığın her rüzgar, bir kasırga Gördüğün her bir yaz Nisan yağmuruyla doluydu. Giderek kolaylaş...
Are You Done With Me lyrics
This city drinks and roars Each word so meaningless Each word - Especially yours Echoes inside my head Why can't you see? I won't let you get your way...
Are You Done With Me [French translation]
Cette ville boit et rugit, Chaque mot est tellement vide de sens Chaque mot - surtout s'il vient de toi - Résonne dans ma tête Pourquoi n'arrives-tu d...
Are You Done With Me [Hungarian translation]
A város iszik és bőg A szavak értelmetlenek A szavak - főleg a tieid Viszhangzanak bennem Miért nem látod? Nem foglak elengedni Add oda ami a legjobb ...
Are You Done With Me [Serbian translation]
Ovaj grad pije i urliče Svaku reč tako besmisleno Svaka reč - posebno tvoja Odzvanja unutar moje glave Zašto ne možeš da vidiš? Neću dozvoliti da bude...
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