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Rhapsody of Fire lyrics
The Magic of the Wizard's Dream lyrics
In those silent shades of grey I will find a place to escape the endless night to find a new sun I know which is my fate bond to Erian's old tale I'll...
The Magic of the Wizard's Dream [Russian translation]
В этих тихих оттенках серого Я найду место, Чтобы сбежать от бесконечной ночи, Обрести новое солнце. Я знаю, какова моя судьба, Она связана с древними...
The Mighty Ride of the Firelord lyrics
Cruel Akron bloody bastard I now spit on you You can turn my bones to black ash but I'll move the moon I will light your evil kingdom And your heart w...
The Mystic Prophecy of the Demonknight lyrics
Into the darkness they crossed the marsh And entered the frozen cave A secret path was cut into the rock A labyrinth, a twisted maze An unknown misty ...
The Mystic Prophecy of the Demonknight [Spanish translation]
Hacia la oscuridad cruzaron el pantano Y entraron en la cueva helada Había un camino secreto cavado en la roca Un laberinto, un dédalo retorcido Una i...
The Myth of the Holy Sword lyrics
After the victory of the angels over hell these old lands became a new reason for war elves and men all united against new darklords it's the time of ...
The Poem's Evil Page lyrics
The silent willows keep the ancient stone Hidden behind that cryptic door Rituals of terror quake all the ghost land The bloody line now paints the co...
The Village of Dwarves lyrics
The dwarves of Lork are showing all their honour When you walk on the Gandor secret hill The dance for fire and wind And the stories about old kings A...
The Wind, The Rain And The Moon lyrics
Your shining eyes I saw them cry That's what heroes live for Love embrace the pain Fate unpredictable A shadow between me and you I'll be the wind to ...
The Wizard's Last Rhymes lyrics
The Wizard's Last Rhymes The aim of the serpent, the serpent's creation Reveals itself now through crystal spheres He's riding the waves as a real con...
Tornado lyrics
In primordial times of war Gods and men, dragonlords Fighting for a dead world A black Sun will scare us all Gloomy past carved in hate Ready to be ba...
Triumph For My Magic Steel lyrics
Flies to where old dragons are lying the cry for the triumph for my magic sword Burns the pride of my mighty conscience while rises the sceptre of our...
Triumph For My Magic Steel [Hungarian translation]
Arra száll, hol agg sárkányok tanyáznak, a könyörgés a varázslatos kardom diadaláért Égeti a hatalmas lelkiismeretem büszkeségét amint bölcs fejedelmü...
Triumph or Agony lyrics
Vision of darkness, mad gothic splendour Rhyme of primordial neverending war Carved in the wild rock under the ghost town Sun of the darklands, black ...
Un'ode per l'eroe lyrics
Cieli tersi splendono Di stelle indomite Luce ed oblio, un'epica elegia Spettri d'ombra e profezie E potenti rime e placide maree Di regni e dinastie ...
Un'ode per l'eroe [English translation]
Clear skies shine with the light of Fearless stars Light and oblivion, an epic elegy Shadow ghosts and prophecies And powerful rhymes and placid tides...
Unholy Warcry lyrics
In the dark lies a secret In the mystic seventh black book Nekron's dark words He is kron, kron's disciple He is sworn to return To avenge the lost di...
Unholy Warcry [Italian translation]
Nell'oscurità si cela un segreto Nel misticismo del settimo libro oscuro Le parole cupe di Nekron Lui è Kron, il discepolo di Kron Ha giurato di fare ...
Vis Divina lyrics
Vis divina Lumen animae Vis divina Signum vitae Vis, vis divina est lucem animae Vis, vis divina est signum vitae Vis, vis divina est lucem animae Vis...
Warrior Heart lyrics
Once more battle, (I) think it's my last stand A lost soul is begging me raising his poor flickering hand Should I not care for his silent cry? The ho...
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