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Rhapsody of Fire lyrics
Dawn of Victory [French translation]
Le feu fait rage sur le champ de bataille, Alors qu'Arwald mène le combat des rois L'armée de Dargor, le tonnerre, la tempête... Alors le peuple appel...
Dawn of Victory [Greek translation]
Φωτιά μαίνεται στο πεδίο της μάχης καθώς ο Arwald πολεμάει τον πόλεμο των βασιλιάδων Ο στρατός του Dargor, η βροντή, η καταιγίδα... οπότε οι άνθρωποι ...
Dawn of Victory [Spanish translation]
El fuego se aviva en el campo de batalla mientras Arwald está peleando la guerra de reyes La armada de Dargor, el trueno, la tormenta... entonces la g...
Dawn of Victory [Spanish translation]
El fuego está furioso en el campo de batalla Mientras que Arwald está luchando la guerra de los reyes El ejército de Dargor, el trueno, la tormenta......
Decoding The Multiverse lyrics
Neverending is my love for you, my Earth More and more each day Your greatness speaks to me You deserve all the respect From your sons for you've give...
Defenders Of Gaia lyrics
Neverending is my love for you, my earth More and more each day Your greatness speaks to me You deserve all the respect From your sons for you've give...
Distant Sky lyrics
Tell me if it's real I don't know where I am a cry in the silence a shine in the dark Stars are falling now for once in my life the future is mine Los...
Distant Sky [French translation]
Dis-moi si c'est vrai, je ne sais pas où je suis Un cri dans le silence, Un éclat dans l'obscurité Les étoiles dégringolent à présent Pour une fois da...
Distant Sky [Greek translation]
Πες μου αν είναι πραγματικότητα, δεν ξέρω που βρίσκομαι ένα κλάμα στην σιγαλιά μια λάμψη στο σκοτάδι Τα αστέρια τώρα πέφτουν για πρώτη φορά στη ζωή μο...
Distant Sky [Italian translation]
dimmi se è reale, non so dove sono un grido/pianto nel silenzio un brillio nel buio le stelle stanno cadendo adesso per una volta nella mia vita il fu...
Distant Sky [Spanish translation]
Dime si es real, no sé dónde estoy, un sollozo en el silencio, un resplador en la oscuridad. Las estrellas van cayendo ahora, por una vez in mi vida e...
Dragonland's Rivers lyrics
They began a magical journey to the ancient dragonland For ten days they walked through majestic woods Their vision ever at hand The Dragons fly in th...
Echoes Of Tragedy lyrics
Verse 1 Where sun creates shadow's games Where tragic echoes speak of death why Lord, why? Between the ruins through lakes of holy blood I walk in tea...
Emerald Sword lyrics
I crossed the valleys the dust of midlands to search for the third key to open the gates Now I'm near the altar the secret inside As legend told my be...
Emerald Sword [French translation]
J'ai traversé les vallées, la poussière de contrées lointaines, À la recherche de la troisième clé, celle qui ouvre les portes, J'approche maintenant ...
Emerald Sword [Greek translation]
Διέσχισα τις πεδιάδες, τη σκόνη των Midlands για να ψάξω για το τρίτο κλειδί και να ανοίξω τις πύλες Τώρα βρίσκομαι κοντά στον βωμό, μέσα στο μυστικό ...
Emerald Sword [Spanish translation]
Crucé los valles, el interior polvoriento En busca de la tercera llave para abrir las puertas Ahora, estoy cerca del altar, su secreto está adentro Y ...
Emerald Sword [Turkish translation]
Vadileri ve ülkenin iç kısımlarındaki kumları geçtim Kapıları açan üçüncü anahtarı aramak için Şimdi içinde sırrın bulunduğu sunağa yakınım Efsanenin ...
Epicus Furor lyrics

Epicus furor...

Quae mala venientia metuuntur

eadem afficiunt aegritudine instantia

Erian's Mystical Rhymes lyrics
In Primordial times of sorrow ancient ages of the known world Krons reighn of terror was rising so the skylords sent their angels against the storm th...
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