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Sepultura lyrics
Apes Of God lyrics
You can't look in these eye's Can't live out these lies Walk the walk, talk the talk It doesn't leave my head staining my cells grey This all the than...
Arise lyrics
Obs-obs-obscured by the sun Apocalyptic clash Cities fall in ruin Why must we die? Obliteration of mankind Under a pale gray sky We shall arise I did ...
Arise [Bulgarian translation]
Затъмнен от слънцето Апокалиптичен сблъсък. Градове се сриват в руини. Защо трябва да умрем? Изтребване на човешкия род Под бледото сиво небе, Но ние ...
Arise [Croatian translation]
Skr-skr-skriven suncem Apokalipticni sudar Gradovi padaju u rusevine Zasto moramo umrijeti? Unistenje ljudske vrste Ispod blijedog sivog neba (Mi cemo...
Arise [French translation]
Obscurcis par le soleil Rupture apocalyptique Des villes qui tombent en ruine Pourquoi mourrons-nous? Affaiblissement de l’humanité En dessous d’un ci...
Arise [Greek translation]
Επισκιασμένος από τον ήλιο Αποκαλυπτικά αταίριαστος Οι πόλεις καταστρέφονται Γιατί πρέπει να πεθάνουμε; Αφανισμός του ανθρώπινου είδους Κάτω από ένα χ...
Arise [Portuguese translation]
Obscurecido pelo Sol Um estrondo apocalíptico Cidades virando ruínas Por que temos que morrer? A eliminação da raça humana Debaixo de um céu cinzento ...
Arise [Serbian translation]
Затамњен од Сунца Апокалиптички сукоб Рушење градова Зашто морамо умрети? Уништење цивилизације Под бледим сивим небом Ми ћемо васкрснути Ништа нисам ...
Arise [Slovak translation]
Zatienena slnkom Apokalyptická zrážka Mestá padajú v troskách Prečo musíme zomrieť? Vymazanie ľudstva Pod bledou sivou oblohou Vznikneme Neurobil som ...
Arise [Spanish translation]
Oscurecido por el sol Choque apocalíptico Las ciudades caen en ruinas ¿Por qué debemos morir? La obliteración de la humanidad Bajo un cielo gris pálid...
Arise [Turkish translation]
Güneş tarafından örtbas edilmiş Kıyamet savaşı Şehirler harabelere dönüşüyor Neden ölmemiz gerekiyor? İnsanlığın yok oluşu Soluk gri bir gökyüzü altın...
As It Is lyrics
See the storm - moving in Gaining speed - in my creed Pain - and tears Hate - and fears Our sense of real is extinct Why don't we accept as it is All ...
Attitude lyrics
One week of struggling On the real world is.. So you can see !!! Feel your soul and... Shape your mind to warfare It's all for real Live your life Not...
Attitude [Bulgarian translation]
Една седмица на борба реалният свят е, може да видиш. Почувствай душата си и оформи своят ум към война, всичко е истинско. Живей си живота не по начин...
Attitude [Portuguese translation]
Uma semana de luta No mundo real É isso que você pode ver Sinta sua alma e.... Prepare sua mente para um campo de guerra É tudo pra valer Viva sua vid...
Autem lyrics
Find a way to leave behind The things you did You can't rewind Five, four, three, two, one I live for the day Are my fears really here to stay? I live...
Bela Lugosi's Dead lyrics
White on white translucent black capes Back on the rack Back on the rack The bats have left the bell tower The victims have have been bled Red velvet ...
Beneath The Remains lyrics
In the middle of a war That was not started by me Deep depression of the nuclear remains I've never thought of, I've never thought about This happenin...
Beneath The Remains [Greek translation]
Στη μέση ενός πολέμου που δεν ξεκίνησα εγώ Βαθιά κατάθλιψη από τα πυρινικά απομεινάρια Ποτέ δεν το σκέφτηκα, Ποτέ δεν σκέφτηκα ότι Θα μου συνέβαινε αυ...
Beneath The Remains [Slovak translation]
V strede vojny Ktorá nebola začatá mnou Hlboká depresia z jadrových zrúcanin Nikdy som na to nemyslel, Nikdy som o tom nepremýšľal Že sa mi to stáva R...
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