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MØ lyrics
Say You'll Be There [French translation]
La dernière fois qu'on a eu cette conversation J'ai décidé qu'on devrait devenir amis Ouais, mais maintenant on tourne en rond Dis-moi, est-ce que cet...
Bb lyrics
Riot gal! Hey Cruel, skinny lover with nothing to hide None like me, a sinner in disguise I wrote love songs about you long before I even met you Now ...
Bb [Turkish translation]
Riot Gal! [*] Hey! Saklayacak hiçbir şeyi olmayan zalim, cılız sevgili Kimse benim gibi, kılık değiştirmiş bir günahkar değil Seninle tanışmadan önce ...
Beautiful Wreck lyrics
Oh, oh, oh, baby You hold me in your arms like your red guitar, hmm No, no one can blame me For my wicked heart, it was in the cards But I will be bur...
Beautiful Wreck [Danish translation]
Åh, åh, åh skat Du holder mig i dine arme ligesom din røde guitar, hmm Nej, ingen kan bebrejde mig Mit slemme hjerte, det stod skrevet i kortene Men j...
Beautiful Wreck [Turkish translation]
Oh, oh, oh, bebeğim Beni kırmızı gitarın gibi kollarınla kavrıyorsun Hayır, kimse beni suçlayamaz Feci kalbim için, kaderimde vardı Ama senin için yan...
Blur lyrics
Under the bad bad moon tonight Or baby is it just me? Or is it something in the air we breathe Cuz I'm feeling dizzy dizzy, ah How was the party was i...
Blur [Persian translation]
امشب تحت تاثیر انرژی منفی ماه است یا فقط من اینطور حس می‌کنم عزیزم؟ یا این چیزی در هواست که استنشاقش می‌کنیم؟ چون سرم دارد گیج می‌رود، گیج آه مهمانی چ...
Blur [Spanish translation]
Esta noche estoy bajo una luna de mal mal presagio o... ¿Nene, solo a mí me pasa? ¿Hay algo en el aire que respiramos? Porque me siento mareada, marea...
Blur [Turkish translation]
Bu gece *kötü kötü ayın altında Yoksa bebeğim bu sadece ben miyim? Yoksa havada soluduğumuz herhangi bir şey mi? Çünkü çok sersem hissediyorum, ah Par...
Brad Pitt lyrics
You don't have to be born into success To get the blood pumping underneath my summer dress You don't have to try so hard, I'm impressed Sweep me off t...
Don't Wanna Dance lyrics
Wander around in the city I know Old blossom and a newborn flow Sings in my head, what a lovely tune You know that I crave to meet you soon The stars ...
Don't Wanna Dance [Hungarian translation]
Barangolok a városban, amit ismerek Régi virágzás és új áradat Énekel a fejemben, milyen szép dallam Tudod, hogy vágyom arra, hogy hamarosan találkozz...
Don't Wanna Dance [Portuguese translation]
Andando pela cidade eu conheço A antiga Blossom1 e um movimento novo Música para meus ouvidos, que som adorável Você sabe que eu quero muito conhecer ...
Don't Wanna Dance [Russian translation]
Прогуливаюсь в городе, который я знаю, Старое цветение и новый поток Поют в моей голове, какая хорошая мелодия Ты знаешь, что я жажду познакомиться с ...
Drum lyrics
(When I'm up in the morning When I'm up at dawn, I miss you When I'm up in the morning When I'm up at dawn, I miss all yours) (Hella, hey) I've no car...
Dummy Head lyrics
Under the sun, I was born lucky Raised by a water gun, spot on my body A life on rollerblades, did you know That songs from the gutter will lead you s...
Dust Is Gone lyrics
Have you had love for me, boy? Have you only love for the blue sky? Have you kissed the lips of the one you liked So hard you couldn't stay alive? I h...
Dust Is Gone [Danish translation]
Har du følt kærlighed til mig? Har du kun kærlighed til den blå himmel? Har du kysset læberne på den du kunne lide Så hårdt at du ikke kunne leve vide...
Dust Is Gone [Hungarian translation]
Szerettél valaha? Csak a kék eget szeretted? Csókoltál valaha a kedvelt lány ajkait annyira keményen, hogy nem tudtál életben maradni? Volt egy kicsi ...
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