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Fink lyrics
All Cried Out lyrics
You took your time to come back this time The grass has grown under your feet In your absence I changed my mind And someone else is sitting in your se...
All Cried Out [French translation]
You took your time to come back this time The grass has grown under your feet In your absence I changed my mind And someone else is sitting in your se...
All Cried Out [German translation]
You took your time to come back this time The grass has grown under your feet In your absence I changed my mind And someone else is sitting in your se...
All Cried Out [Spanish translation]
You took your time to come back this time The grass has grown under your feet In your absence I changed my mind And someone else is sitting in your se...
Blueberry Pancakes lyrics
I really miss your blueberry pancakes I don't buy maple syrup in Asda no more Sunday morning cooking em up wearing my t-shirt, I'm lifting it up And n...
Blueberry Pancakes [French translation]
Je m'ennuye vraiment de tes crêpes de bleuets J'ai arrêté d'acheter du sirop d'érable à Asda Dimanche matin, tu les fais en portant mon t-shirt, je le...
Blueberry Pancakes [German translation]
Ich vermisse wirklich deine Blaubeerpfannkuchen Ich kaufe keinen Ahornsirup mehr in Asda Sonntagmorgen, sie backend Du trägst mein T-Shirt, ich ziehe ...
Blueberry Pancakes [Spanish translation]
Extrano mucho tus panqueques de arándano No compro más miel de maple en Asda Domingo de manana cocinandolos con mi remera, la subo Y ahora estoy en el...
Hush Now lyrics
Thought that I could bargain barter for your love but you know it's such a sin, if you play the game of love to win play it to win tell me where's my ...
Hush Now [French translation]
Tu pensais que je pouvais négocier un troc pour ton amour mais tu sais que c'est un péché, si tu joues le jeu de l'amour pour gagner jouer pour gagner...
Hush Now [German translation]
Ich dachte, ich könnte um deine Liebe feilschen aber weißt du, es ist so eine Sünde, wenn du das Spiel der Liebe spielst, um zu gewinnen es spielst um...
Hush Now [Spanish translation]
Pensaba que podría regatear tu amor pero sabes, es un pecado tan grande, si juegas el juego del amor para ganar lo juegas para ganar dime donde está m...
Looking Too Closely lyrics
This is a song about somebody else So don’t worry yourself, worry yourself The devil’s right there, right there in the details And you don’t wanna hur...
Looking Too Closely [French translation]
Ceci c'est une chanson sur quelqu'n d'autre Alors, ne t'inquiète pas, ne t'inquiète pas Le diable est juste là, juste là dans les détails Et tu ne veu...
Looking Too Closely [German translation]
Das ist ein Lied über jemand anderes Also mach dir keine Sorgen, keine Sorgen Der Teufel liegt genau hier, genau hier im Detail Und verletz dich nicht...
Looking Too Closely [Hungarian translation]
Ez a dal valaki másról szól, úgyhogy ne izgasd magad, ne izgasd magad. Az ördög itt van, itt rejlik a részletekben és nem akarsz fájdalmat okozni maga...
Looking Too Closely [Portuguese translation]
Esta música é sobre outra pessoa Não te preocupes, não te preocupes tanto O diábo está sempre à espreita, nos detalhes E tu não te queres magoar, mago...
Looking Too Closely [Romanian translation]
Acesta este un cântec despre altcineva Așadar nu te îngrijora, nu te îngrijora Diavolul este chiar acolo, chiar acolo în detalii Și tu nu vrei să te r...
Looking Too Closely [Russian translation]
Эта песня о ком-то другом И не тревожь себя, не волнуйся Бес там, в мелких деталях И ты не хочешь ранить себя, ранить себя Присмотрясь Присмотрясь Нет...
Looking Too Closely [Spanish translation]
Esto es una canción para otra persona Así que no te preocupes, preocupes El diablo está allá, allá en los detalles Y no te lastimes, lastimes Mirando ...
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