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Iron & Wine lyrics
Each Coming Night [German translation]
Wirst du, wenn ich fort bin, sagen "Mein Geliebter ist zu mir gekommen und wir lagen In Zimmern, die uns fremd waren, aber nur bis jetzt"? Wirst du zu...
Each Coming Night [Polish translation]
Czy gdy mnie nie będzie, powiesz: "Mój kochanek przyszedł do mnie i leżeliśmy w osobnych pokojach aż do tego moment" Czy gdy mnie nie będzie, powiesz ...
Each Coming Night [Portuguese translation]
Você dirá quando eu for embora "Meu amante veio a mim e nos deitamos Em quartos estranhos, mas até agora " Você dirá a eles quando eu for "Eu amei seu...
Each Coming Night [Spanish translation]
Dirás cuando yo me haya ido "Mi amado vino hacia mí y nos acostábamos En cuartos desconocidos hasta ahora" Les dirás a ellos cuando yo me haya ido "Yo...
Each Coming Night [Turkish translation]
Ben gittiğimde söyleyecek misin "Aşkım bana geldi ve şimdiye kadar tanıdık olmayan odalarda yattık" Ben gittiğimde onlara söyleyecek misin "Oğlunu güç...
Evening On The Ground [Lilith's Song] lyrics
Evening, evening on the ground And there is no one else around So you will blame me Blame me for the rocks And baby bones and broken lock On the garde...
Evening On The Ground [Lilith's Song] [French translation]
Soirée, soirée au sol Et il n'y a personne d'autre aux alentours Alors tu me rendras responsable, Tu me renderas responsable pour les pierres Et les o...
Evening On The Ground [Lilith's Song] [German translation]
Abend, Abend auf dem Boden Und es ist niemand anderes da Also wirst du mir die Schuld geben Mir die Schuld geben an den Steinen Und den Babyknochen un...
Evening On The Ground [Lilith's Song] [Spanish translation]
Tarde, tarde en el piso Y no hay nadie más aquí Así que me darás la culpa La culpa por las piedras Y los huesos de bebé y la cerradura rota En el muro...
Faded From The Winter lyrics
Daddy's ghost behind you Sleeping dog beside you You're a poem of mystery You're the prayer inside me Spoken words like moonlight You're the voice tha...
Faded From The Winter [French translation]
Le fantôme de papa est derrière toi, Le chien endormi à côté de toi Tu es un poème de mystère, Tu es la prière en moi Des mots parlés comme le clair d...
Faded From The Winter [German translation]
Papas Gespenst hinter dir Schlafender Hund neben dir Du bist ein geheimnisvolles Gedicht Du bist das Gebet in mir Gesprochene Worte wie Mondlicht Du b...
Faded From The Winter [Spanish translation]
El fantasma de papá detrás de ti Perro durmiente a tu lado Eres un poema misterioso Eres el rezo en mí Palabras dichas como luz de la luna Eres la voz...
Fever Dream lyrics
Some days her shape in the doorway Will speak to me A bird's wing on the window Sometimes I'll hear her when she's sleeping Her fever dream A language...
Fever Dream [French translation]
Certains jours, sa forme dans l'embrasure de la porte Me parle L'aile d'un oiseau contre la fenêtre Parfois j'entends, lorsqu'elle dort, Son rêve fiév...
Fever Dream [German translation]
An manchen Tagen spricht ihre Gestalt in der Tür Mit mir Der Flügel eines Vogels am Fenster Manchmal höre ich sie, wenn sie schläft Ihr Fiebertraum Ei...
Fever Dream [Italian translation]
Qualche giorno la sua sagoma alla porta Mi parlerà L'ala di un uccello alla finestra A volte la sentirò mentre dorme Il suo sogno febbrile Un linguagg...
Fever Dream [Spanish translation]
A veces su forma en la puerta Me habla Un ala de pájaro en la ventana A veces la escucho cuando duerme Su sueno de fiebre Un lenguaje en su cara Quier...
Fever Dream [Turkish translation]
Bazı günler kapı eşiğindeki şekli Benimle konuşacak Pencerede bir kuş kanadı Bazen onu uyuduğunda duyacağım Onun hummalı rüyası Yüzünde bir lisan "Sen...
Flightless Bird, American Mouth lyrics
I was a quick, wet boy Diving too deep for coins All of your street light eyes Wide on my plastic toys Then when the cops closed the fair I cut my lon...
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