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A Great Big World lyrics
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [Vietnamese translation]
tôi tạo một thế giới ở quanh bạn bạn có tôi trong một giấc mơ tôi sống trong từng lời bạn nói những ngôi sao đã thẳng hàng tôi nghĩ tôi đã tìm thấy bạ...
I Really Want It lyrics
So tell me what are we living for? I say we chuck inhibitions And sell our souls to rock and roll I need to know what I'm missing So turn it up on the...
I Really Want It [French translation]
Dites-moi ce qu'est-ce que l'on vit? Je dis que nous terminons inhibitions et vendre nos âmes à rock' n'roll J'ai besoin de savoir ce qu'il me manque ...
I Really Want It [Turkish translation]
Söyle bana yaşamak için naparsın? Ben derim ki kısıtlamaları atalım Ve ruhumuzu Rock and Roll'a satalım Ne kaçırdığımı bilmek istiyorum Müziği aç Ne i...
i will always be there lyrics
When this life just ain’t fair And no one seems to care When you feel like you need a shoulder I will always be there When they laugh and they stare A...
i will always be there [French translation]
Quand la vie n'est pas juste Et que tout le monde à l'air de ne pas s'en préoccuper Quand tu sens que tu as besoin d'une épaule Je serai toujours là Q...
i will always be there [Spanish translation]
Cuando esta vida no sea justa Y parezca que a nadie le importe Cuando sientas como que necesitas un cable Siempre estaré ahí Cuando se rían y se quede...
Kaleidoscope lyrics
My life My life was black and white and I believed it I believed it My eyes My eyes looked at the world but couldn't see it I couldn't see it You're l...
Kaleidoscope [Turkish translation]
My life My life was black and white and I believed it I believed it My eyes My eyes looked at the world but couldn't see it I couldn't see it You're l...
Kaleidoscope [Vietnamese translation]
My life My life was black and white and I believed it I believed it My eyes My eyes looked at the world but couldn't see it I couldn't see it You're l...
Land Of Opportunity lyrics
I'm sailing away, to a Land of Opportunity. The sun will shine, and birds will sing there everyday I'm sailing away, and I hope that you remember me. ...
Land Of Opportunity [Greek translation]
Σαλπάρω μακριά, για την Γη της Ευκαιρίας Ο ήλιος θα λάμπει, και τα πουλιά θα τραγουδούν κάθε μέρα Σαλπάρω μακριά, και ελπίζω να με θυμάστε Είχε πλάκα,...
Land Of Opportunity [Lithuanian translation]
Aš plaukiu toli , į Galimybių žemę. Saulė švies, o paukščiai ten kasdien dainuos Aš plaukiu toli , ir tikiuosi, kad prisiminsi mane. Tai buvo smagu, m...
Land Of Opportunity [Turkish translation]
Gidiyorum, bir Fırsatlar Ülkesine. Güneş parlayacak, ve kuşlar orada her gün şakıyacak Gidiyorum, ve umarım beni hatırlarsın. Eğlenceliydi, zamanımızı...
Life Is Good lyrics
[Verse 1] It's time to celebrate, I think we've got a miracle Straight from the heavens this is the start of something beautiful The rain is pouring o...
Oasis lyrics
Don't cry You're mine For forever For forever I need you now More than ever More than ever Head full of lies Sun in my eyes You make it easy Don't loo...
Oasis [Spanish translation]
No llores, eres mío Por siempre Por siempre Ahora te necesito Más que nunca Más que nunca Un mente llena de mentiras El sol en mis ojos Tú lo haces má...
Oasis [Vietnamese translation]
đừng khóc, bạn là của tôi mãi mãi mãi mãi tôi cần bạn bây giờ hơn bao giờ hết hơn bao giờ hết tâm trí tràn ngập những lời nói dối mặt trời trong mắt t...
One Step Ahead lyrics
How many times Did I miss the signs? My stupid heart It left me blind Nobody else would forgive my mistakes Nobody else would've stayed One step ahead...
One Step Ahead [Turkish translation]
Kaç kere İşaretleri kaçırdım? Aptal kalbim Beni kör bıraktı Başka kimse benim hatalarımı affetmezdi Başka kimse (yanımda) kalmazdı Benim bir adım ötem...
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