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A Great Big World lyrics
Come On [Spanish translation]
¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! Yo quiero ser una pensamiento dentro tu mente Yo quiero ver la luz de las estrellas en tus ojos ¿Cómo ...
End of the World lyrics
I'm gonna love you (love you) I'm gonna love you (love you) I'm gonna love you (love you) Like it's the end of the world I wanna remember the shape of...
Everyone Is Gay lyrics
If you're gay then you're gay Don't pretend that you're straight You can be who you are any day of the week You are unlike the others So strong and un...
Everyone Is Gay [Greek translation]
Αν είσαι γκέι, τότε είσαι γκέι Μην προσποιείσαι ότι είσαι στρέιτ Μπορείς να είσαι ο εαυτός σου οποιαδήποτε μέρα της εβδομάδας Είσαι διαφορετικός από τ...
Everyone Is Gay [Italian translation]
Se sei gay,allora sei gay Non pretendere di essere etero Puoi essere chi sei ogni giorno della settimana Tu sei diverso dagli altri Così forte e unico...
Everyone Is Gay [Japanese translation]
君がゲイならそのとおりだろう ストレート(ゲイでない)ふりをするな どんな日も自分らしくしていろ 人とは違う 強くて個性的 ぼくらは君の味方 君がストレートならすばらしい 出産に役立てる ゲイの赤ん坊を産んで 世界中の人が ぼくらが生きやすい世界を作るように 君の愛する子がただの子供でないような 僕...
Everyone Is Gay [Turkish translation]
Eğer gaysen o zaman gaysindir Düz* gibi davranma Haftanın her günü kendin olabilirsin Sen onlar gibi değilsin Güçlü ve eşsizsin Hepimiz seninleyiz Eğe...
Everyone Is Gay [Turkish translation]
Eğer eş cinselsen, eş cinselsindir Davranma sanki heteroymuş gibi Kendin olabilirsin haftanın her günü Sen başkaları gibi değilsin Güçlü ve kendine öz...
Girls Chase Boys lyrics
[Chorus] All the broken hearts in the world still beat Let's not make it harder than it has to be Ooh, it's all the same thing Girls chase boys chase ...
Hold Each Other lyrics
(Hold)(Hold each other) I miss the words we used to say I miss the sounds of yesterday I miss the games we used to play like ohhh I was trapped inside...
Hold Each Other [Spanish translation]
(Abrazar)(Nos abrazamos) Me extraño las palabras que decíamos Me extraño los sonidos de ayer Me extraño los juegos que jugábamos como ohhh Yo estaba a...
Home lyrics
Even in the harshest of winter I feel so warm Even when the marks climb up the wall I still feel small This is my home, this is my home Where I go whe...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else lyrics
Oh, I built a world around you Oh, you had me in a dream, I lived in every word you said The stars had aligned I thought that I found you And I don't ...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [French translation]
oh, j'ai construit un monde autour de toi oh, tu m'avais dans un rêverie je vivais dans chaque mot que t'avais dit les étoiles s'étaient allignées je ...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [German translation]
Oh, ich habe eine Welt um dich herum aufgebaut Oh, du hattest mich in einem Traum gefangen, Ich lebte in jedem Wort, das du sprachst Die Sterne waren ...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [Greek translation]
Οο, έχτισα έναν κόσμο γύρω από σένα Οο, με είδες σε ένα όνειρο, Ζούσα για κάθε λέξη που έλεγες Τα αστέρια ευθυγραμμίστηκαν Νόμιζα ότι σε βρήκα Και δεν...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [Hungarian translation]
Oh, egy világot építettem köréd Oh, álmodtál rólam, Minden szavadban ott éltem, amit kimondtál A csillagok felsorakoztak Azt gondoltam, megtaláltalak ...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [Russian translation]
Я построил свой мир около тебя, Снился тебе, Я жил в каждом слове, сказанным тобою. Звезды выстроились в ряд, Я подумал, что нашел тебя. Я не хочу люб...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [Serbian translation]
O, sagradio sam svet oko tebe O, zbog tebe sam bio u snu, Živeo sam u svakoj tvojoj reči Zvezde su se poravnale Mislio sam da sam te pronašao I ne žel...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else [Turkish translation]
Ah, senin etrafında bir dünya inşa ettim Ah, beni bir rüyanın içine soktun Söylediğin kelimelerde yaşıyorum Yıldızlar sıralandı Seni bulduğumu sandım ...
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