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A Great Big World lyrics
Fall On Me [Spanish translation]
Tarde o temprano, las luces del cielo bajarán en círculos y me guiarán al amor. No sé qué es correcto para mí, no lo puedo ver con claridad; he estado...
Fall On Me [Turkish translation]
er ya da geç ışıklar yükselecek çemberlere düşecek ve beni aşka yönlendirecek benim için doğru olanı bilmiyorum, kafam karışık uzun zamandır burdayım ...
This Is The New Year lyrics
Another year you made a promise Another chance to turn it all around And do not save this for tomorrow Embrace the past and you can live for now And I...
This Is The New Year [French translation]
Une autre année tu as fait une promesse Une autre chance de lui tourner autour Et ne la sauve pas pour demain Embrasse le passé et vis au jour le jour...
This Is The New Year [Greek translation]
Άλλο χρόνο έδωσες μια υπόσχεση Άλλη ευκαιρία να το γυρίσεις αλλιώς Και μην το αφήσεις για αύριο Δέξου το παρελθόν και μπορείς να ζήσεις για το τώρα Κα...
This Is The New Year [Romanian translation]
In alt an tu ai facut o promisiune O alta sansa sa te intorsci Si sa nu salvezi acest lucru pentru maine Imbratiseaza trecutul si tu poti sa traiesti ...
Wonderful Unknown lyrics
Oh oh oh, let me wear your overcoat My bones are super chill, and all the ponies have gone home Oh oh oh, walking through Manhattan With the ache from...
All I Want Is Love lyrics
Fear You're just a name that I have learned Another way for me to turn And you brought me here And it took years for me to find That you were only in ...
All I Want Is Love [French translation]
la peur tu n'est qu'un nom que j'ai appris une autre façon vers laquelle je tourne et tu m'a amené ici et ça m'a pris des années pour découvrir découv...
All I Want Is Love [Spanish translation]
Miedo Sólo eres un nombre que he aprendido Otra manera para esconderme Y tú me trajiste aquí Y tardé muchos años para encontrar Que sólo eras en mi me...
Already Home lyrics
You say love is what you put into it You say that I'm losing my will Don't you know that you're all that I think about? You make up a half of the whol...
Already Home [Arabic translation]
تقول بأن الحب هو ما نضع فيه تقول بأنني أخسر إرادتي ألا تعلمين بأنكّ أنت كلّ ما أفكّر فيه؟ أنت تشكلين نصف الكمال تقولين أنه من الصعب الإلتزام تقولين أن...
Already Home [German translation]
Du sagst, Liebe ist das was du hineinsteckst Du sagst, dass ich meinen Willen verliere Weißt du nicht, dass du alles bist über das ich nachdenke? Du m...
Already Home [Greek translation]
Λες ότι η αγάπη είναι αυτό στο οποίο βασίζεσαι. Λες ότι χάνω τη θέληση μου. Δεν ξέρεις ότι είσαι όλα αυτά που σκέφτομαι; Απαρτίζεις το ήμισυ του παντό...
Already Home [Serbian translation]
Kažeš ljubav je ono sto smo stavili u to Kažeš da sam ja taj koji gubi volju Zar ne znas da si ti ta o kojoj razmisljam? Ti činis polovinu celine Kaže...
Already Home [Spanish translation]
Dices que el amor es lo que pones en él Dices que estoy perdiendo mi voluntad ¿No lo sabes que en ti sólo pienso? Te haces una mitad de la totalidad D...
Boys In The Street lyrics
When I was younger My daddy told me I would never Never amount to nothing special He'd come at me from every angle He'd say "You're the last thing I w...
Boys In The Street [French translation]
Quand j'étais plus jeune Mon père m'a dit que jamais, Jamais, je n'arriverais à rien de spécial Il m'attaquait sous tous les angles Il disait "Tu es l...
Cheer Up! lyrics
Cheer up! 'Cos nothing really matters when you look up into outer space. It's a great big world and there's no need to cry. Cheer up! We're all interc...
Come On lyrics
Come on, come on, come on Come on, come on, come on I wanna be a thought inside your mind I wanna see the starlight through your eyes What's it like? ...
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