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Sky Ferreira lyrics
Easy [Turkish translation]
Kulağa komik geliyor, farkındayım ama acıya dayanamıyorum Ve seni yarın terk ediyorum Kızım bana öyle geliyor ki, biliyorsun Elimden gelen her şeyi ya...
Elevator lyrics
I got you dizzy, heading for a collision I'm so electric, I got you on a mission I bat my eyes and get you hot just like a satellite Oh, oh, oh-oh Don...
Everything Is Embarrassing lyrics
(I know you're trying) Everything and nothing always haunts me, I know you're trying, I know you're trying. Waiting for the moment to fall on me, I sa...
Everything Is Embarrassing [French translation]
(Je sais que tu essaye) Tout et rien me hante toujours Je sais que tu essaye, tu essaye toujours Attendre le moment de tomber sur moi Je t'ai vu essay...
Everything Is Embarrassing [Hungarian translation]
(tudom , hogy próbálkozol) Minden és semmi mindig kísért engem, Tudom hogy probálkozol, tudom hogy probálkozol Vársz a pillanatra hogy rám ess Láttala...
Everything Is Embarrassing [Serbian translation]
(Znam da pokušavaš) Sve i ništa me uvek proganja, znam da pokušavaš, znam da pokušavaš. Čekaš taj trenutak da padne na mene, videla sam da pokušavaš, ...
Everything Is Embarrassing [Slovak translation]
(Viem, že sa snažíš) Všetko a nič ma stále straší Viem, že sa snažíš, viem, že sa snažíš Čakáš na moment kedy by si na mňa spadol Videla som, ako sa s...
Everything Is Embarrassing [Spanish translation]
(Se que lo estas intentando) Todo y nada siempre me atormenta Se que los estas intentando, se que lo estas intentando Esperando a que el momento caiga...
Everything Is Embarrassing [Spanish translation]
(Sé que estás intentando) Todo y nada siempre me persigue, Sé que estás intentando, sé que estás intentando. Esperando tu momento para caerte en mí Te...
Everything Is Embarrassing [Turkish translation]
(Biliyorum deniyorsun) Her şey ve hiçbir şey her zaman bana dadanır Biliyorum deniyorsun, biliyorum deniyorsun Benim irademin altına gireceğin ânı bek...
Ghost lyrics
I'm not irrational I'm just no longer in the day dream Of the delusion that Once was hard between our love it seems Lately I've been between Being ste...
Ghost [French translation]
Je ne suis pas irrationnel Je suis juste sorti de mon rêve éveillé De l'illusion qui Rendait autrefois notre amour difficile, il semble Dernièrement, ...
Ghost [Hungarian translation]
Nem vagyok irracionális Csupán nem álmodozom többé Az úgyis csak téveszme Egyszer volt valami erős a szerelmünk közt Úgy tűnik mostanában e-között leh...
Ghost [Turkish translation]
Ben akılsız değilim Ben şimdi bundan böyle,bir zamanlar Aşkımızda zor olan aldanmanın Hayalinde değilim Öyle görünüyor ki son zamanlarda düzgün ya da ...
Haters Anonymous lyrics
Who started all the fuss? You can't be serious. Walking around among us The haters anonymous Who started all the fuss? You can't be serious. Walking a...
Haters Anonymous [Hebrew translation]
מי התחיל את כל המהומה? אתה לא יכול להיות רציני. הולכים מסביבנו השונאים האנונימיים. מי התחיל את כל המהומה? אתה לא יכול להיות רציני. הולכים מסביבנו השונ...
Heavy Metal Heart lyrics
I can feel the heat of the light on my face As I'm walkin' away from you I can feel the beat of the night in my chest I feel like I'm a galaxy away fr...
Heavy Metal Heart [Finnish translation]
I can feel the heat of the light on my face As I'm walkin' away from you I can feel the beat of the night in my chest I feel like I'm a galaxy away fr...
Heavy Metal Heart [Turkish translation]
I can feel the heat of the light on my face As I'm walkin' away from you I can feel the beat of the night in my chest I feel like I'm a galaxy away fr...
I Blame Myself lyrics
Is it because you know my name? Or is it because you saw my face on the cover? Either way it's all the same, It's like talking to a friend who's tryin...
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