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Kamelot lyrics
Elizabeth III: Fall from Grace lyrics
Breathe in deep Smell these halls of hate Carve your name into these walls Before it is too late Cold and twisted They resisted What was I to do All I...
Elizabeth III: Fall from Grace [Turkish translation]
Derin derin nefes al Kokla bu nefret konaklarını Kazı ismini bu duvarlara Çok geç olmadan Soğuk ve çarpık Direndiler Ya ne yapacaktım Tek bir arzum va...
End of Innocence lyrics
Tell me do you remember The games and the laughter Far from the choices we’d have to make A kiss on the lips Turned the toad to a prince And the end w...
End of Innocence [Hungarian translation]
Mondd, emlékszel A játékokra és a nevetésre? Távol a döntésektől, melyeket hoznunk kell Egy csók a békának - - és herceggé változik... - és a vége egy...
End of Innocence [Italian translation]
Dimmi, ti ricordi Gli scherzi e le risate Lontani dalle scelte che dovevamo fare Un bacio sulle labbra Trasformò il rospo in principe E la fine era lo...
Eternity lyrics
As I sit upon these rocks above I feel the waves crashing upon the shore As the sea sprays on my glowing face I wish I could embrace the sea forevermo...
Eternity [Italian translation]
Mentre siedo in alto su queste rocce Sento le onde infrangersi sulla spiaggia Mentre gli spruzzi d'acqua marina colpiscono il mio volto raggiante Vorr...
Fallen Star lyrics
You are my reason to stay Even if daylight’s a lifetime away May the kings and the queens of the dawn Remember my name As dark as the fallen star My s...
Fallen Star [Hungarian translation]
Te vagy az ok, amiért maradok Mégha a napfény örökre is oda A hajnal királyai és királynői idézzék fel a nevem Sötéten, mint a kihunyt csillag A dalom...
Falling like the Fahrenheit lyrics
Let me play a melody for you While searching for the light And a way to live forever Your flaws make sure you'll never contemplate And see the consequ...
Falling like the Fahrenheit [Hungarian translation]
Engedd, hogy játszak egy melódiát neked, Míg a fényt kutatod És az utat az örök élethez A hibáid biztosítják, hogy soha nem tervezheted el És lásd a k...
Fire Within lyrics
Take a look into the crystal Take a look at what the future may bring All around you is darkness Until your shattered soul screams As I stand before t...
Fire Within [Italian translation]
Dai un'occhiata all'interno del cristallo Dai un'occhiata a cosa potrebbe riservarti il futuro Sei circondato dall'oscurità Finché la tua anima devast...
Forever lyrics
There's a pain within That I can't define There's an empty space Where your love used to shine From the night we met Till the day you died Do you thin...
Forever [French translation]
Il y a une douleur en moi Que je ne peux définir. Il y a un vide À l'endroit où ton amour brillait. De la nuit où nous nous sommes rencontrés Jusqu'au...
Forever [Russian translation]
Внутри поселилась боль, Которую я не могу передать, Пустое место там, Где должна была сиять твоя любовь, С того дня, как мы повстречались И до дня, ко...
Forever [Turkish translation]
Bir acı var içimde Tarif edemediğim Bir boşluk var Eskiden senin aşkınla dolan Tanıştığımız geceden Öldüğün güne kadar Sanıyor musun ki istediğimi İna...
Ghost Opera lyrics
Walls so white Where your sorrows have a name And day is dark as night There's no remorse and no redemption Close the door Can you hear the crowd is w...
Ghost Opera [Dutch translation]
Muren zo wit Wanneer je verdriet een naam heeft En de dag zo duister is als de nacht Er is geen berouw of aflossing Sluit de deur, Hoor je dat het pub...
Ghost Opera [French translation]
Murs si blancs Lorsque vos douleurs ont un nom Et le jour est aussi sombre que la nuit Il n'ya pas de remords et pas de rédemption Fermez la porte Pou...
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