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Kamelot lyrics
Black Tower lyrics
Oh black tower what is your power? What makes men run and hide? I've foreseen the evil In the dead of the night As the demons, they dance in my mind T...
Black Tower [Italian translation]
O torre oscura, qual'è il tuo potere? Cos'è che fa scappare gli uomini a nascondersi? Ho visto la malvagità in un presagio Nel cuore della notte Mentr...
Burns to Embrace lyrics
We teach them to pretend Not to break the line To always look away And never ask why We sit beside the cradle We tell them to be brave But when the wa...
Burns to Embrace [Hungarian translation]
Tettetni neveltük őket Nem pedig áthágni a rendet Hogy mindig félre nézz És soha ne kérdezd, miért A bölcsőjük mellett ültünk És biztattuk őket, legye...
Call of the Sea lyrics
Endless alone, lost at sea It's a never ending chore to Keep my head above these waters I've never feared before The sun has taken its toll The salt r...
Call of the Sea [Italian translation]
Eternamente solo, disperso in mare È una spiacevole incombenza che non ha mai fine Tenere la testa al di sopra di queste acque Che non ho mai temuto p...
Center of the Universe lyrics
Move slowly Beyond the colors of my eyes Move slowly Into the corners of my mind Rising like the Pegasus Each and every one of us Released Islands in ...
Center of the Universe [Turkish translation]
Daha yavaş Gözlerimin renginin de ötesinde Daha yavaş Zihnimin her bir köşesinde Pegasus misali yükseliyor Her birimiz Bırakıldı Bu rüyalar denizindek...
Citizen Zero lyrics
I wait to surface Above these bellowed growls To sweep the shallows of utopia I am the anchor And the rope around your feet In a river deep, I hold yo...
Citizen Zero [Hungarian translation]
Várakozom a felszínre emelkedésre Az ordító zúgolódások fölé Hogy elsöpörjük az utópia sekélyességét Én vagyok a horgony És a kötél a lábadon Egy foly...
Don't You Cry lyrics
Little by little, I've come to this point On my own I've been searching my way I lost you so early the days went so fast You don't know how I prayed e...
Don't You Cry [Hungarian translation]
Lassan, oly lassan jutottam addig, Hogy egyedül keressem utam. Korán itt hagytál, s a napok rohantak, Nem tudhatod, mennyit imádkoztam. Emlékezés dala...
Don't You Cry [Italian translation]
Poco a poco, sono giunto fin qui Ho cercato da solo la mia strada Ti ho perso troppo presto, le giornate trascorrevano così in fretta Non sai quanto h...
Don't You Cry [Turkish translation]
Yavaş yavaş bu noktaya kadar geldim Kendi başıma yolumu arıyordum Seni çok erken kaybettim günler çok hızlı geçti Her gün nasıl dua ettiğimi bilmiyors...
Elizabeth I: Mirror Mirror lyrics
Mirror can you tell me How to stay forever young Let me know the secret I will hold my twisted tongue Please protect my beauty Velvet skin so pure and...
Elizabeth I: Mirror Mirror [Turkish translation]
Ayna söyleyebilir misin bana Nasıl sonsuza dek genç kalınacağını İzin ver bilmeme bu sırrı Tutacağım çarpık dilimi Lütfen koru güzelliğimi Çok saf ve ...
Elizabeth II: Requiem for the Innocent lyrics
Mother can you hold me one more time again Whisper "I still love you" in my ear Mother did you lie Would you tell me why There is something deeper tha...
Elizabeth II: Requiem for the Innocent [Greek translation]
Mother can you hold me one more time again Whisper "I still love you" in my ear Mother did you lie Would you tell me why There is something deeper tha...
Elizabeth II: Requiem for the Innocent [Italian translation]
Mother can you hold me one more time again Whisper "I still love you" in my ear Mother did you lie Would you tell me why There is something deeper tha...
Elizabeth II: Requiem for the Innocent [Turkish translation]
Mother can you hold me one more time again Whisper "I still love you" in my ear Mother did you lie Would you tell me why There is something deeper tha...
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