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BZN lyrics
Come on and Dance lyrics
The stars shine bright, on the Boulevard del Puerto I sense some lovin' in the air, I see it in your eyes con fuego La Luna smiles, beaming out good v...
Come on and Dance [Romanian translation]
Stelele stralucesc, pe bulevardul del Puerto Simt niste dragoste in aer, o vad in ochii tai cu foc Luna zambeste, degaja vibratii bune Hai sa ne ascun...
Countless Days lyrics
You left without a single warning I should have known a child can go astray Your bed was undisturbed that morning Now I know you ran away that day I r...
Countless Days [French translation]
Tu est parti sans m'avertir. J'aurais du savoir qu'un enfant peut s'égarer. Ton lit était bien fait ce matin là. Maintenant je sais que tu es parti ce...
Dance Dance lyrics
Get out of my life I beg you to go now For I can no longer stand your face You're cold as ice and so frustrated Now I get on my feet again There's not...
Dance Dance [Romanian translation]
Pleacă din viaţa mea, Te implor să pleci acum Căci nu-ţi mai suport chipul, Eşti rece ca gheaţa şi atât de frustrat, Acum stau iar pe picioarele mele,...
Dance Dance [Turkish translation]
Çık hayatımdan Gitmen için yalvarıyorum şimdi Yüzüne daha fazla dikilememem için Sen buz kadar soğuksun ve çok yılmışsın Artık yeniden ayaklarımın üze...
Don't say goodbye lyrics
Don't say goobye The love we had It makes me sad To tell her soon my ship will be on her way To bring me home again and leave the good times that we h...
Dream Dream lyrics
Way down in the shelter of my brains I locked up my secret love in chains To escape there's no key Only love can set me free So return all my loving, ...
Dream Dream [French translation]
En descendant dans les abris de mon cerveau, J'ai enfermé mon amour secret dans des chaines. Pour s'en échapper, il n'y a pas de clé. Seul l'amour peu...
Drowning in the rain lyrics
I still remember all those haunting dark shadows I had lost faith in life Then there was you You took me out of the gutter, my friend You cheered me u...
Drowning in the rain [Romanian translation]
Incá îmi amintesc toate acele umbre care má bantuiau Cand mi-am pierdut încrederea în viațá Atunci ai venit tu, M-ai scos din negurá, prietenul meu M-...
El condor pasa lyrics
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would, if I could, I surely would, mmm I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I would, if I only could, I s...
El condor pasa [Hungarian translation]
Inkább veréb lennék, mint csiga Igen, ha tehetném, biztosan megtenném, mmm Inkább kalapács lennék, mint szög Igen, ha tudnám akkor biztosan megtenném,...
El condor pasa [Persian translation]
ترجیح میدادم یک گنجشک باشم تا یک حلزون آره گنجشکی میشدم، اگر که میتوانستم، حتما این کارو میکردم ترجیح میدادم یک چکش باشم تا یک میخ آره اینکارو میکردم،...
El condor pasa [Romanian translation]
Mai degrabă aş fi o vrabie decât un melc, Da, aş fi, dacă aş putea, cu siguranţă aş fi, Mai degrabă aş fi un ciocan decât o unghie, Da, aş fi, numai d...
El Cordobes lyrics
A hot sunny day Some musicians play The chords of an old pasodoble The moment is near For the thousands that cheer The name of the great matador In th...
Goodbye My Love, Adieu My Friend lyrics
Sunrise, a last rendez-vous, Together we walk in the morning dew, Slowly the night fades away To stand aside for a brand new day Silence, words are in...
Goodbye My Love, Adieu My Friend [French translation]
L'aube, un ultime rendez-vous, Ensemble nous marchons dans la rosée du matin, La nuit lentement disparaît Pour laisser place à un nouveau jour. Silenc...
Goodbye My Love, Adieu My Friend [Romanian translation]
Răsare soarele, o ultimă întâlnire Împreună ne plimbăm în roua dimineții, Încetisor, noaptea se risipeşte Să stea deoparte pentru o nouă zi. Linişte, ...
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