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Chet Baker lyrics
Tenderly [Croatian translation]
Večernji povjetarac miluje drveće, nježno drhtavo drveće prigrlilo je nježno povjetarac tada smo ti i ja došlilutajući i izgubljeni u uzdahu, bili smo...
Tenderly [Greek translation]
Το βραδινό αεράκι χάιδευε τρυφερά τα δέντρα Τα τρεμάμενα δέντρα αγκάλιασαν τρυφερά το αεράκι Τότε εσύ κι εγώ περάσαμε από εκεί Και χαθήκαμε σε έναν αν...
That Old Feeling lyrics
I saw you last night and got that old feeling When you came in sight I got that old feeling The moment that you danced by I felt a thrill And when you...
That Old Feeling [Turkish translation]
Geçen gece seni gördümde eskisi gibi hissettim Sengördüğümde ben o eski duyguyu yaşıyordum Senin dans ettiğin anda heyecanlandım Gözlerimiz kesiştiğin...
The More I See You lyrics
The more I see you, the more I want you. Somehow, this feeling just grows and grows. With every sigh I become more mad about you, More lost without yo...
The More I See You [Croatian translation]
Što te više vidim, to te više želim. Nekako, ovaj osjećaj samo raste i raste. Sa svakim uzdahom postajem sve više lud za tobom, Sve više izgubljen bez...
The More I See You [German translation]
Je mehr ich dich sehe, desto mehr will ich dich, irgendwie wird dieses Gefühl nur größer und größer. Mit jedem Seufzer werde ich deinetwegen immer ver...
The More I See You [Portuguese translation]
quanto mais eu te vejo, mais te quero de algum modo, este sentimento apenas cresce com cada suspiro fico mais louco por você mais perdido sem ti, e as...
The Thrill Is Gone lyrics
The thrill is gone The thrill is gone I can see it in your eyes I can hear it in your sighs Feel your touch and realize The thrill is gone. The nights...
The Thrill Is Gone [Serbian translation]
The thrill is gone The thrill is gone I can see it in your eyes I can hear it in your sighs Feel your touch and realize The thrill is gone. The nights...
The Touch of Your Lips lyrics
The touch of your lips upon my face Your lips that are cool and sweet Such tenderness lies in their soft caress My heart forgets to beat The touch of ...
The Touch of Your Lips [Turkish translation]
Dudaklarının yüzüme dokunuşu Sade ve tatlı olan dudakların Öylesine bir hassaslık yatıyor ki onların yumuşak öpüşlerinde Kalbim atmayı unutuyor Elinin...
There Will Never Be Another You lyrics
There will be many other nights like this, And I'll be standing here with someone new, There will be other songs to sing, Another fall, another spring...
There Will Never Be Another You [Croatian translation]
Bit će mnogo drugih noći poput ove, I stajat ću ovdje s nekom novom, Bit će drugih pjesama za pjevanje, Druga jesen, drugo proljeće, Ali nikad neće po...
There Will Never Be Another You [French translation]
Il y aura beaucoup d'autres nuits comme celle-ci, Et je me tiendrai ici avec quelqu'un de nouveau, Il y aura d'autres chansons à chanter, Un autre aut...
There Will Never Be Another You [Italian translation]
Ci saranno tante altre notti come questa, E io sarò qui con qualcun'altra*, Ci saranno altre canzoni da cantare, Un altro autunno, un'altra primavera,...
There Will Never Be Another You [Portuguese translation]
haverá muitas outras noites como esta e eu estarei aqui com uma outra pessoa haverá outras canções para cantar outro outono, outra primavera mas nunca...
There Will Never Be Another You [Serbian translation]
Биће још много ноћи попут ове и стајаћу овде са неком другом Биће и других песама које ћу певати, других јесени, других пролећа али никада неће бити т...
There Will Never Be Another You [Spanish translation]
Habrá muchas otras noches como esta, y estaré aquí con alguien más, habrá otras canciones que cantar, otro otoño, otra primavera, pero nunca habrá otr...
Time After Time lyrics
Time after time I tell myself that I'm So lucky to be loving you So lucky to be The one you run to see In the evening when the day is through I only k...
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