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Chet Baker lyrics
I'm a Fool to Want You lyrics
I'm a fool to want you I'm a fool to want you To want a love that can't be true A love that's there for others too I'm a fool to hold you Such a fool ...
I'm a Fool to Want You [Croatian translation]
Budala sam što te želim Budala sam jer te želim Jer želim ljubav što ne može biti prava Ljubav koja je tu i za druge Budala sam što te grlim Takva bud...
I'm a Fool to Want You [Greek translation]
Είμαι χαζός που σε θέλω Είμαι χαζός που σε θέλω Που θέλω μια αγάπη που δεν μπορεί να γίνει αληθινή Μια αγάπη που υπάρχει και για άλλους Είμαι χαζός πο...
I'm a Fool to Want You [Serbian translation]
Ja sam budala što te želim Ja sam budala što te želim Što želim ljubav koja ne može da bude prava Ljubav u kojoj ima mesta za druge Ja sam budala što ...
I'm a Fool to Want You [Turkish translation]
Seni isteyen bir aptalım ben Seni isteyen bir aptalım ben Gerçek olamayacak bir aşkı isteyen Başkaları da olan bir aşkı Sana sarılan bir aptalım ben S...
If I Should Lose You lyrics
If I should lose you, the stars would fall from the skies If I should lose you, the leaves would wither and die The birds in May time would sing a lon...
If I Should Lose You [Croatian translation]
da te izgubim, zvijezde bi padale sa neba da te izgubim, listovi bi uvenuli i umrli Ptice u svibanj bi pevale usamljeni refren a ja bih lutao okolo mr...
If I Should Lose You [Dutch translation]
Mocht ik jou ooit verliezen dan zouden de sterren uit de hemel vallen Mocht ik jou ooit verliezen dan zouden de bladeren verwelken en afsterven In mei...
If I Should Lose You [Portuguese translation]
Se eu te perdesse, as estrelas cairiam dos céus Se eu te perdesse, as folhas murchariam e morreriam os pássaros em maio cantariam um refrão solitário ...
If I Should Lose You [Turkish translation]
Eğer seni kaybetmem gerekirse, yıldızlar gökten ayrılıp dökülecek Eğer seni kaybetmem gerekirse, yapraklar solup ölecek Mayıs'ta kuşlar yalnız bir tür...
In A Sentimental Mood lyrics
I can see the stars come thru my room While your loving attitude Is like a flame that lights the gloom On the wings of ev'ry kiss Drift a melody so st...
In A Sentimental Mood [Croatian translation]
I can see the stars come thru my room While your loving attitude Is like a flame that lights the gloom On the wings of ev'ry kiss Drift a melody so st...
It's Always You lyrics
Whenever it’s early twilight I watch till the star breaks through Funny, it’s not a star I see, It’s always you. Whenever I roam through roses and lat...
It's Always You [Chinese translation]
每当暮色降临 我望着天空直到星星都出现 奇怪 我看到的总不是星星 而是你 每当我在玫瑰之中漫步 我最近时常这么做 奇怪 我摸到的总不是玫瑰 而是你 若一缕微风轻抚我 其实是你走过 若我听到一首曲子 其实是你在叹息 无论你在哪儿 你都在我身边 你谅我也不敢说谎 奇怪 每次我爱上一个人 那人总是你
It's Always You [Croatian translation]
Kad god je rani sumrak Gledam dok se zvijezde ne probiju Smiješno, nije to zvijezda što vidim, To si uvijek ti. Kad god vrludam kroz ruže A u posljedn...
It's Always You [Spanish translation]
Siempre que comienza el crepúsculo observo hasta que las estrellas aparecen. Es curioso, no son estrellas lo que veo siempre eres tú. Siempre que cami...
Just Friends lyrics
Just friends, lovers no more, Just friends, but not like before. To think of what we’ve been and not to kiss again, Seems like pretending it isn’t the...
Just Friends [Croatian translation]
Samo prijatelji, ljubavnici ne više, Samo prijatelji, ali ne kao ranije. Pomisliti što smo bili I ne poljubiti se opet, Čini se kao pretvaranje Da nij...
Just Friends [Italian translation]
Solo amici, non più amanti, Solo amici, ma non come prima. Pensare a quello che siamo stati E non baciarci più Sembra fingere Che non è la fine. Due a...
Just Friends [Turkish translation]
Yalnızca arkadaşız, sevgili değil artık Yalnızca arkadaşız, ama önceden olduğu gibi de değil Geçmişte ne olduğumuzu düşünüp yeniden öpüşmeyen Dünyanın...
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