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Chet Baker lyrics
Forgetful lyrics
Lately You've been so forgetful A kind of a stop and go forgetfulness That bothers me Kisses I once had a netful But you've been forgetful And i'm nev...
Grey December lyrics
Lately You've been so forgetful A kind of a stop and go forgetfulness That bothers me Kisses I once had a netful But you've been forgetful And i'm nev...
I Fall In Love Too Easily lyrics
I fall in love too easily I fall in love too fast I fall in love too terribly hard For love to ever last My heart should be well-schooled 'Cause I've ...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Catalan translation]
M'enamoro massa fàcilment M'enamoro massa ràpid M'enamoro massa bojament Com per a que l'amor duri El meu cor hauria d'estar-ne ben instruït Perquè ja...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Croatian translation]
Zaljubim se previše lako Zaljubim se previše brzo Zaljubim se previše prokleto teško Da bi ljubav ikad potrajala Srce bi mi trebalo biti dobro naučeno...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Greek translation]
Ερωτεύομαι υπερβολικά εύκολα Ερωτεύομαι υπερβολικά γρήγορα Ερωτεύομαι υπερβολικά βαθιά Για να κρατήσει ποτέ η αγάπη Η καρδία μου πρέπει να λάβει την σ...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Italian translation]
M'innamoro troppo facilmente M'innamoro troppo in fretta M'innamoro tremendamente troppo Perchè l'amore possa mai durare Il mio cuore dovrebbe saperlo...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Persian translation]
به آسونی عاشق میشم خیلی زود عاشق میشم به شکل وحشتناکی سخت عاشق می‌شم تا عشق همیشه ماندگار باشد قلب من باید خوب یاد گرفته باشه چون در گذشته گول خوردم ا...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Portuguese translation]
Eu me apaixono muito facilmente eu me apaixono muito rápido me apaixono com terrível intensidade para que o amor dure meu coração deveria ter aprendid...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Serbian translation]
Zaljubljujem se prelako Zaljubljujem se prebrzo Zaljubljujem se preužasno teško u ljubavi koje večno traju Moje srce bi trebalo da je dobro naučeno Za...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Spanish translation]
Me enamoro demasiado fácilmente, me enamoro demasiado rápido, me enamoro demasiado terriblemente como para que el amor dure. Mi corazón ya debería est...
I Fall In Love Too Easily [Turkish translation]
Çok kolay aşık oluyorum Çok hızlı aşık oluyorum Son derece zor aşık oluyorum Sonu gelmeyen aşk için Kalbim iyi eğitilmiş olmalı Çünkü geçmişte kandırı...
I Get Along Without You Very Well lyrics
I get along without you very well Of course I do Except when soft rains fall And drip from leaves, then I recall The thrill of being sheltered in your...
I Get Along Without You Very Well [French translation]
J’avance très bien sans toi. Bien sûr que oui. Sauf quand des douces pluies tombent Et s’égouttent des feuilles. Alors je me souviens Du plaisir d’êtr...
I Get Along Without You Very Well [Greek translation]
Τα πάω πολύ καλά χωρίς εσένα Φυσικά και τα πηγαίνω Εκτός από όταν ξεκινήσει να πέφτει η απαλή βροχή Και οι σταγόνες από τα φύλλα, τότε ανακαλώ Την έξα...
I Get Along Without You Very Well [Spanish translation]
Me va muy bien sin ti Claro que sí Excepto cuando caen lluvias suaves Y gotean de las hojas, entonces recuerdo La emoción de estar refugiado en tus br...
I Get Along Without You Very Well [Turkish translation]
Sensiz gayet iyi idare ediyorum Elbette ederim Nazikçe yağmur yağdığı Ve yapraklardan damladığında hariç tabii, o zaman özlerim Kollarında sığınmanın ...
I Remember You lyrics
Was it in Tahiti, were we on the Nile? Long, long ago, say an hour or so, I recall that I saw your smile I remember you, You’re the one who made my dr...
I Remember You [Croatian translation]
Was it in Tahiti, were we on the Nile? Long, long ago, say an hour or so, I recall that I saw your smile I remember you, You’re the one who made my dr...
I Wish I Knew lyrics
I wish I knew someone like you could love me I wish I knew you place no one above me Did I mistake this for a real romance? I wish I knew, but only yo...
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