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Lumsk lyrics
Skip Under Lide [English translation]
Which of you my brothers two Either gard my ship behind the island Or would you rather walk into the mountain And get out the pretty maid? Which of yo...
Skomegyvri lyrics
Inn so kom den skomegyvri ho gjore både gruttad å grinte hot e det for eit tekjukjebånn som helde mi dottir fride Å inkji e du den fregdaste som bur u...
Skomegyvri [English translation]
In came the Skomegyvri, she both snorted and laughed. "What kind of foster child is it1 that is holding my daughter?" "And are you not the most dauntl...
Skærgaardsø lyrics
Nu glider Baaden mod Skærgaardsøen, en Ø i Havet med grønne Strande. Her lever Blomster for ingens Øjne, de staar saa fremmed og ser mig lande. Mit Hj...
Skærgaardsø [English translation]
Now the boat is going towards lake Skærgaard, an island in the ocean with green beaches. Here flowers live for the eyes of no man, they seem so foreig...
Slepp Meg lyrics
Slepp meg Åsmund du hel`ki meg i hand kjem ho Hukbrud knusar deg under si tonn Slepp meg Åsmund du hel`ki meg i fang kjem ho mor mi et up kvar kristen...
Slepp Meg [English translation]
Let me go, Åsmund, you shouldn't hold my hand. Hukbrud, she comes, smashing you under her weight.1 Let me go, Åsmund, you shouldn't hold me in your ar...
Trolltind lyrics
Vilja du høyra historia om Trolltindane i Romsdal? det gjekk seg slik at dei vart te' da jotnane skulle gifta seg -og brurefølgjet seg på ferda Giftar...
Trolltind [English translation]
Will you hear the story Of the Troll Peaks in Romsdal? It was so that they were created When giants were to get married -And the bride's following was...
Trolltind [Russian translation]
Вы слышали рассказ? О пике троллей, что в Ромсдалле? О том, как они были созданы Когда свершиться должна была свадьба гигантов -И новобрачные были на ...
Trolltind [Spanish translation]
¿Quieres oír la historia De las Cumbres Trolls en el Romsdal? Fue así que ellos fueron creados Cuando los gigantes fueran a casarse -Y la avanzada de ...
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