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Motionless In White lyrics
Legacy lyrics
Forged in blood, etched in bone The sacrifice, the war we know I can feel it in my veins Laced with gold but rich with pain Do you want it? Die for it...
Legacy [Hungarian translation]
Vérben kovácsolva, csontba vésve Az áldozat, a háború amit ismerünk Érzem az ereimben Arannyal csipkézett, de fájdalommal gazdag Akarod? Halj meg érte...
London In Terror lyrics
And all the rain is full of ghosts tonight, London in mortal terror You can kill a lifetime without feeling anything but skin Your eyes are labyrinths...
London In Terror [Turkish translation]
Ve yağmurlar bu gece hayaletlerle dolu, Londra ölümcül dehşet içinde Deriden başka bir şey hissetmeden bir ömür boyunca öldürebilirsin Gözlerin, yalan...
Loud [Fuck it] lyrics
You gotta be loud You gotta be rude So the world can hear you You gotta be crass You gotta be cold It's everything we know Turn it up, turn it up now!...
Loud [Fuck it] [Hungarian translation]
Hangosnak kell lenned! Durvának kell lenned! Hogy a világ halljon téged! Szemétnek kell lenned! Jéghidegnek kell lenned! Ez minden, amit tudunk! Teker...
Necessary Devil lyrics
Strip off the weight of morality and check it at the door I'll show you the worst in me... what I've become Blow out the candles, I need not a wish fo...
Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2 lyrics
She's got no soul, heart black as coal She's from Hollywood, Forever dug her out of a hole And here we go again, spinnin' me in her web She said "ther...
Queen For Queen lyrics
If you wanna soar with vultures, you’ll have to swallow bone The saint charade is over, plastic royalty exposed You wanna play the victim, to preach u...
Rats lyrics
Well Mrs. Pharmacist, I insist, fix me up with something quick I’ve been a bad little boy and I think i’m getting sick Sick to the bone, slave to the ...
Reincarnate lyrics
GET UP! BLEH! You pull the trigger just for fun Forgetting I'm a loaded gun So hate me for the things I've done And not for what I've now become I wan...
Reincarnate [Hungarian translation]
Ébresztő! (Bleh) Szórakozásból húzod meg a ravaszt Elfeledve azt, hogy én egy töltött fegyver vagyok Szóval azért utálj, amiket tettem, és ne azért, a...
Reincarnate [Italian translation]
ALZATI! BLEH! Spingi il grilletto solo per divertimento, dimenticandoti che la pistola è carica Dunque odiami per ciò che ho fatto e non per ciò che s...
Reincarnate [Serbian translation]
USTANI! BLEH! Povučeš okidač samo za zabavu Zaboravljajući da sam ja napunjen pištolj Zato me mrzi zbog onoga što sam uradio I ne zbog onoga šta sam p...
Reincarnate [Turkish translation]
UYAN! BLÖH! Tetiği sadece eğlence için çektin Benim dolu bir silah olduğumu unuttun Yaptığım şeyler için benden nefret et Ama şimdi olduğum şey için d...
Scissorhands lyrics
Incomplete, alone and unfinished, my flaws in design are all I've become I can feel myself wither away, the darkest of evils, this way will become Iso...
Sinematic lyrics
The wall that I have built to keep you out is starting to rust Because everything around me just reminds me of us. I am an addict for dramatic, black ...
Sinematic [Italian translation]
Il muro che ho costruito per tenerti lontana comincia ad arrugginirsi Perchè tutto intorno a me ricorda di noi Sono una dipendenza di tragedie, capell...
Sinematic [Turkish translation]
Seni dışarıda tutmak için ördüğüm duvar paslanmaya başladı Çünkü etrafımdaki her şey bana bizi hatırlatıyor Dramaya, siyah saça, soluk tene bağımlıyım...
Soft lyrics
You're mine, motherfucker Let me begin with envy’s a sin You'll have to find new words to invent 'Cause I've heard your broken record And I'm not impr...
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