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Queens of the Stone Age lyrics
Medication [Dutch translation]
Medicatie voor ons allen, het is een nieuwe manier En we gaan ze innemen omdat we er van houden Wist je dat niet? Is dit de dosering waar je van droom...
Mexicola lyrics
Setting sun deals hands of gold There's velvet eyes in Mexico Just a fall away And all she said was true Speak in tongues, speak in lies Drooling live...
Misfit Love lyrics
Wanna see my passin' flames? Don't waste a drop, baby, I ain't first Where I was born, no escape There ain't even no good bad drugs In the city, is it...
Monsters in the Parasol lyrics
The walls are closing in again, oh well The walls are closing in again, oh well I seen something I thought I never saw Covered in hair Paul's dad is w...
Mosquito Song lyrics
I know, I know the sun is hot Mosquitoes come suck your blood And leave you there all alone Just skin and bone When you walk among the trees Listening...
My God is the Sun lyrics
Far beyond the desert road (where everything -ends up) So good, the empty space. Mental race Forgive, forgot Heal them - Bright fire from a gun Kneeli...
My God is the Sun [Croatian translation]
Daleko iznad pustinjske ceste (gdje na kraju dolazi sve) Tako dobar, prazan prostor. Mentalna utrka Oprosti, zaboravi Ozdravi ih - Sjajna vatra iz piš...
Never Say Never lyrics
If time itself was his demeanor There'd be no sunlight or a glimmer Of sunlight landin' on the street Sunsuit girls must be discreet Sunsuit girls mus...
No One Knows lyrics
We get some rules to follow That and this These and those No one knows We get these pills to swallow How they stick In your throat Tastes like gold Oh...
No One Knows [Bulgarian translation]
Дават ни правила да следваме, това и онова, тия и ония, никой не знае Можем да гълтаме едни хапчета, как ти засядат само на гърлото, имат вкус на злат...
No One Knows [Croatian translation]
Dobijemo neka pravila za pratiti To i ovo Ta i ova Nitko ne zna Dobijemo ove tablete za progutati Kako ti se lijepe U tvom grlu Okus poput zlata Oh, š...
No One Knows [Dutch translation]
We krijgen wat regels om te volgen Dat en dit Deze en die Niemand weet We krijgen deze pillen om door te slikken Hoe ze blijven hangen In je keel Smaa...
No One Knows [French translation]
Nous avons certaines règles à suivre, Ceci et cela, Celles-ci et celles-là Personne ne sait Nous avons ces pilules à avaler La façon dont elles collen...
No One Knows [German translation]
Wir haben ein paar Regeln, denen wir folgen sollen Dies und das Diese und jene Niemand weiss es Wir haben diese Pillen, die wir schlucken sollen Wie s...
No One Knows [Greek translation]
Λάβαμε ορισμένους κανόνες να ακολουθήσουμε Αυτό και εκείνο Τούτα και εκείνα Κανείς δεν ξέρει Πήραμε αυτά τα χάπια να καταπιούμε Πώς κόλλησαν Στον λαιμ...
No One Knows [Italian translation]
Abbiamo alcune regole da seguire Questa e quella Queste e quelle Nessuno lo sa. Abbiamo queste pillole da ingoiare E come si fermano Nella tua gola Ha...
No One Knows [Norwegian translation]
Vi har noen regler å følge Det og dette Disse og de Ingen vet Vi får disse pillene å svelge Hvordan de sitter I halsen din Smaker som gull Åå, hva du ...
No One Knows [Portuguese translation]
Temos algumas regras pra seguir Isso e aquilo Esses e aqueles Ninguém sabe Temos essas pílulas pra engolir O jeito que elas entalam Na sua garganta Pa...
No One Knows [Serbian translation]
Dobijemo neka pravila za pratiti To i ovo Ta i ova Niko ne zna Dobijemo ove tablete za progutati Kako ti se lepe U tvom grlu Ukus poput zlata Oh, šta ...
No One Knows [Spanish translation]
Tenemos algunas reglas que seguir Esta y aquella Estas y aquellas Nadie sabe Tenemos estas píldoras por tragar Como se pegan En tu garganta Sabe a oro...
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