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Queens of the Stone Age lyrics
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road lyrics
When are you going to come down? When are you going to land? I should have stayed on the farm I should have listened to my old man You know you can't ...
...Like Clockwork lyrics
Everyone it seems Has somewhere to go And the faster the world spins The shorter the lights will glow And I'm swimming in the night Chasing down the m...
...Like Clockwork [Greek translation]
Όλοι φαίνεται Ότι έχουν κάπου να πάνε Και όσο πιο γρήγορα γυρίζει ο κόσμος Τόσο λιγότερο θα λάμπουν τα φώτα Και κολυμπώ στη νύχτα Κυνηγάω το φεγγάρι Ό...
...Like Clockwork [Spanish translation]
Todos parecen tener Un lugar a dónde ir Y cuanto más rápido el mundo gire Menos brillarán las estrellas Y me hundo en la noche Tratando de alcanzar la...
3's & 7's lyrics
Lie, lie to my face Tell me it ain't nothing That's what I wanna hear Take the lie to the grave That's what an old friend told me Look what it did for...
A Song for the Dead lyrics
It's late enough to go drivin And see what's mine That's a study of dying How to do it right You're a holy roller Get your bed in the loose If you're ...
A Song for the Dead [German translation]
Es ist spät genug um fahren zu gehen Und um zu sehen, was meins ist Dies ist eine Studie über's Sterben Wie man's richtig macht Du bist ein Holy Rolle...
A Song for the Dead [Greek translation]
Είναι αρκετά αργά για να οδηγήσω Και να δω τι μου ανήκει Είναι μια μελέτη του θανάτου Πώς να πεθάνεις σωστά Είσαι ένας ιερός πλάστης Χαλάρωσε το κρεβά...
A Song For The Deaf lyrics
Nobody’s coming down the hall Nobody echoes in my head Broken reflection out of luck Nobody ever needed it I got what was I want to take what’s left (...
A Song For The Deaf [German translation]
Niemand kommt den Flur herunter Niemand hallt in meinem Kopf Zerbrochene Reflexionen ohne Glück Niemand hat es je gebraucht Ich habe, was war Ich will...
Another Love Song lyrics
You're so impossible Scream and moan it chills my soul Don't wanna hear you got left behind All those times you stayed up and cried It's no lie You di...
Another Love Song [Greek translation]
Είσαι τόσο απίθανη Φωνάζεις και βογκάς τόσο που ανατριχιάζει η ψυχή μου Δεν θέλω να μάθω ότι έμεινες πίσω Όλες αυτές τις φορές που έμεινες ξύπνια κι έ...
Auto Pilot lyrics
Silent hell on the marble slab The best trip that I've ever had Higher than a jet plane, pass it around My drinks on empty, need another round I want ...
Avon lyrics
I see you go Through a park in a haze I don't listen For traffic going the same way A simple system I string 'em up I cut 'em down Dare I say A perfec...
Avon [Dutch translation]
I see you go Through a park in a haze I don't listen For traffic going the same way A simple system I string 'em up I cut 'em down Dare I say A perfec...
Avon [Greek translation]
I see you go Through a park in a haze I don't listen For traffic going the same way A simple system I string 'em up I cut 'em down Dare I say A perfec...
Avon [Russian translation]
I see you go Through a park in a haze I don't listen For traffic going the same way A simple system I string 'em up I cut 'em down Dare I say A perfec...
Battery Acid lyrics
Make you into dark Straight into your heart Sorry all you are I don't really care Well, I know you are... Robots, robots Brainwashed babies, blood fro...
Better Living Through Chemistry lyrics
The blue pill opens your eyes Is there a better way? A new religion prescribed To those without the faith A hero holding a knife And blood is not enou...
Better Living Through Chemistry [Greek translation]
Το μπλε χάπι σου ανοίγει τα μάτια Υπάρχει καλύτερος τρόπος; Μια νέα θρησκεία συνταγογραφήθηκε Σε αυτούς που δεν έχουν πίστη Ένας ήρωας κρατάει ένα μαχ...
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