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Darlene Zschech lyrics
At the Cross [Hungarian translation]
Uram, Te ismersz Látod szívem Ezerszer elbuktam Mégis szerettél Jelenléteddel körülveszel Minden időben, mindig szerettél Mindig szerettél Refrén: Meg...
At the Cross [Italian translation]
oh, Signore Tu mi hai cercato Voi sapete le mie future Anche quando ti ho fallito so che mi ami La tua santa presenza Che mi circonda In ogni stagione...
At the Cross [Korean translation]
날 찾으신 주 날 인도해 내 연약함까지 사랑하시네 주님의 열정 날 감싸면 늘 한결같이 사랑하시네 사랑하시네 십자가 성혈 앞에 무릎 꿇어 경배해 더 큰 사랑은 없네 무덤 이기신 주님 주 영광 하늘 가득해 끊을 수 없는 사랑 주 앞서 가며 지키시네 날 붙드신 주 사랑하시네...
At the Cross [Polish translation]
O Panie, szukałeś mnie Znasz moje drogi Nawet gdy Ciebie zawiodę Wiem że Ty mnie kochasz Obecność Twojej świętości Otacza mnie W każdej porze roku Wie...
At the Cross [Portuguese translation]
Oh Senhor, Você me procurou Você sabe meu caminho Mesmo quando eu falho com Você Eu sei, Você me ama Sua presença santa Me cercando Em cada estação Eu...
At the Cross [Romanian translation]
O, Doamne, m-ai cautat Imi stii obiceiurile Chiar atunci cind te dezamagesc Stiu ca ma iubesti Prezenta ta sfinta Ce ma inconjoara In orice anotimp St...
At the Cross [Russian translation]
О Господи! Ты искал меня, Ты знаешь мои пути. Даже когда я отрекаюсь от Тебя, знаю, что Ты меня любишь. Твое Святое присутствие окружает меня в любое ...
At the Cross [Slovak translation]
1. Pane, Ty skúmaš, poznáš môj dych. Aj keď som Ťa ranil, viem, že ma ľúbiš. 2. Láskou a spásou premieňaš ma. Aj v tejto chvíli viem, že ma ľúbiš, vie...
At the Cross [Spanish translation]
Oh Señor! Tú me has buscado Tú conoces mis caminos Incluso cuando te fallo Yo sé que tú me amas Tu santa presencia Me rodea En cada estación Yo sé que...
At the Cross [Spanish translation]
Senor conoces, mi corazon Aun cuando te fallo Se que me amas Con tu presencia Bronzeame En todo tiempo Se que me amas Se que me amas Coro: Hoy me post...
At the Cross [Ukrainian translation]
О, Боже, ти вивчив мене Ти знаєш мої шляхи Навіть коли я підводжу тебе Я знаю, що ти мене любиш Твоя свята присутність Оточує мене Кожної пори року Я ...
God Is Here lyrics
Open our eyes, Lord We want to see You Open our hearts, Lord We want to know You Open our ears, Lord We need to hear You Jesus be revealed Jesus be re...
God Is Here [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
Buksan ang aming mga puso Panginoon Nais ka naming makita Buksan ang aming mga puso, Panginoon Gusto ka naming makilala Buksan ang aming mga tainga,Pa...
Jesus is the center lyrics
Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it all From beginning to the end It will always be, it's always been You Jesus, Jesus Nothing els...
Jesus is the center [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
Si Hesus ang sentro ng lahat Si Hesus ang sentro ng lahat Mula simula hanggang dulo Siya lagi, ikaw lagi Hesus, Hesus Wala ng iba Wala sa mundo ang na...
Lord I Give You My Heart lyrics
This is my desire, to honour You Lord with all my heart I worship You all I have within me I give You praise all that I adore is in You Chorus: Lord I...
The Power of Your Love lyrics
Lord I come to You Let my heart be changed, renewed Flowing from the grace That I’ve found in You Lord I’ve come to know The weakenesses I see in me W...
The Power of Your Love [Korean translation]
Verse 1 주께 가오니 날 새롭게 하시고 주의 은혜를 부어 주소서 내 안에 발견한 나의 연약함 모두 벗어지리라 주의 사랑으로 CHORUS 주 사랑 나를 붙드시고 주 곁에 날 이끄소서 독수리 날개 쳐 올라가듯 나 주님과 함께 일어나 걸으리 주의 사랑 안에 Verse ...
The Power of Your Love [Polish translation]
Panie przychodzę do Ciebie Abyś serce moje odmienił, odnowił Poprzez płynącą łaskę Którą znalazłem w Tobie Panie uświadomiłem sobie Słabości które wid...
Worthy is the Lamb lyrics
Thank you for the cross, Lord. Thank you for the price you paid. Bearing all my sin and shame, in love you came And gave Amazing Grace. Thank you for ...
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