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Darlene Zschech lyrics
Shout to the Lord lyrics
My Jesus, My Savior, Lord, there is none like You; All of my days I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love. My comfort, my shelter, Tower of r...
So you would come lyrics
Before the world began You were on His mind And every tear you cry Is precious in His eyes Because of His great love He gave His only Son Everything w...
So you would come [Bulgarian translation]
Преди да създаде света ти беше в Неговото съзнание, И всяка сълза, която си пролял е скъпоценна в очите Му. Поради голямата Си любов Той даде Своя Еди...
So you would come [Chinese translation]
世界被造之前, 神已思念你 你所流的眼淚, 祂看為可珍惜 因著祂的大愛, 賜獨子離祂懷 一切都作成 好使你來 你沒什麼可作, 能叫祂更愛你 無一你作過的, 能使祂門關閉 因著祂的大愛, 賜獨子離祂懷 一切都作成 好使你來 來親近父神, 雖沒帶什麼 破碎心,憂傷靈, 祂都收留著 祂話語有權能, 祂寶血...
The Love Of Jesus lyrics
By His wounds we are healed By His stripes we're made whole Body broken for us For our sin to atone Holy is the Lord Almighty Perfect Lamb that was sl...
The Love Of Jesus [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
Sa kanyang sugat tayo'y napapagaling Sa kanyang pagkadapa tayo'y nabubuo Katawan nya'y nabali para sa atin Para ating kasalanan ay mabayaran Panginoon...
The Potter's Hand lyrics
Beautiful Lord wonderful savior, I know for sure all of my days are held in your hands and crafted into Your perfect plan (1st Chorus) You gently call...
The Potter's Hand [Italian translation]
Bellissimo Signore meraviglioso salvatore, so per certo che tutti i miei giorni sono nelle tue mani e realizzati nel tuo piano perfetto ( 1 coro) Mi c...
The Potter's Hand [Spanish translation]
Hermoso señor sabio maravilloso , se con toda seguridad que todos mis dias estan seguros en tus manos y elaborados en tu plan perfecto (Primer coro) t...
Victor's Crown lyrics
You are always fighting for us Heaven's angels all around My delight is found in knowing That You wear the Victor's crown You're my help and my defend...
Victor's Crown [Chinese translation]
祢總是在為我們而戰 天堂的天使圍繞四周 我的喜悅是顯而易見 祢戴著這勝者的皇冠 祢是我的治療和後衛 祢是我的救主和朋友 靠著祢的恩典,我活著和呼吸 去崇拜祢 祢的偉大事跡被傳頌 在祢的名我將屈膝服 在祢面前恐懼是沉默 因為祢戴勝者的皇冠 讓祢的榮耀充滿廳堂 讓祢的力量洋溢澎湃 靠著祢的恩典,我活著和...
Victor's Crown [Mongolian translation]
Тэнгэрийн их цэргийг дагуулан Та бидний өмнөөс тулалддаг Ялалтын сэнтийд заларсан Таныг Таньж мэдэх нь миний баяр хөөр Надад туслан намайг хамгаалдаг ...
At the Cross lyrics
Oh Lord You've searched me You know my ways Even when I fail You I know You love me Your holy presence Surrounding me In every season I know You love ...
At the Cross [Chinese translation]
Verse 1 我心 主知道 體恤 引導 我失控又迷途 但袮珍惜我 Verse 2 袮聖潔的靈 始終不改 今把我覆蓋 是袮珍惜我 是袮珍惜我 Chorus 寶架彰顯主愛意 寶血犧牲不遲疑 這厚愛不可隔阻 主我要屈膝敬拜 因袮已復活為王 誰的愛可比主宏大 Verse 3 袮親手牽引 護庇 靠近 主你在...
At the Cross [Chinese translation]
主祢鉴察我 祢认识我 就算我犯了错 我知祢爱我 祢圣洁同在 环绕着我 在每个季节 我知祢爱我 深知祢疼我 在十架前我屈膝 为我撒宝血是祢 再没有更大的爱 祢已经胜过死亡 至高处荣耀充满 永远稳妥在祢怀 祢在我之前 护庇道路 祢手扶持我 我知祢爱我 扯裂帐幕 祢开道路 十架上祢说“成了” 当世界消失 ...
At the Cross [Chinese translation]
感謝祢總是不留下我 祢知道我的道路 就算我犯了錯 你還是愛我 祢神聖的同在 環繞著我 在生命的每個景況 我知道你愛我 我深深知道 在十字架前我屈膝跪拜 你的寶血為我而流 沒有比這個更大的愛 祢戰勝了死亡 祢的榮耀在制高之處 現在誰能講我與祢分離 祢走在我前頭 祢為我開到路 祢的手扶持著我 我知道你愛...
At the Cross [Dutch translation]
o Heer, U zocht mij U kent mijn wegen ookal heb ik gefaald ik weet dat U van mij houdt Uw heilige aanwezigheid rondom mij in elk seizoen ik weet dat U...
At the Cross [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
Panginoon, ako ay Iyong siniyasat Gawain ko ay alam Mo Kahit na nabigo Kita Alam kong mahal Mo ako Ako ay nasa banal na harap Mo Sa bawat panahon, Ala...
At the Cross [French translation]
Seigneur, tu me cherches, Tu me connais Et si je t'oubliais Je sais que tu m'aimes Ta sainte présence Elle m'environne À chaque moment Je sais que tu ...
At the Cross [German translation]
O Herr, Du hast mich gesucht Du kennst meine Wege Sogar wenn ich Dich enttäusche Weiß ich Du liebst mich Die Gegenwart Deiner Heiligkeit Umgibt mich Z...
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