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The Kooks lyrics
Sweet Emotion [Turkish translation]
O senin aklındaki kadın O onun vaktini alan kadın O senin aklındaki kadın O onun vaktini alan kadın Evet, tatlı duygu hissediyorum Bana yakın olduğun ...
Taking pictures of you lyrics
I have a secret I want to tell you Each time that I close my eyes I can feel you I run away with my imagination And I am blinded by your light You fil...
Taking pictures of you [French translation]
J'ai un secret que je veux te dire : Chaque fois que je ferme mes yeux, Je peux te ressentir. Je m'enfuis dans mon imagination Et je suis aveuglé par ...
Taking pictures of you [Greek translation]
Έχω ένα μυστικό που θέλω να σου πω Κάθε φορά που κλείνω τα μάτια μου Μπορώ να σε νιώσω Ξεφεύγω με την φαντασία μου Και τυφλώνομαι από το φως σου Γεμίζ...
Taking pictures of you [Italian translation]
Ho un segreto che voglio dirti Ogni volta che chiudo gli occhi riesco a sentirti Sono scappato con la mia immaginazione E io sono accecato dalla tua l...
Taking pictures of you [Spanish translation]
Tengo un secreto que quiero decirte: Cada vez que cierro los ojos te siento junto a mí, me largo con mi imaginación y me ciego con tu luz. Llenas hast...
Taking pictures of you [Turkish translation]
sana söylemek istediğim bir sırrım var gözlerimi her kapattığımda seni hissedebiliyorum hayal dünyamla birlikte kaçıyorum ve senin ışığınla kör oluyor...
Time Above The Earth lyrics
I've spent so much time above the earth Thinking about life and each man's worth How can one person be worth more than A thousand people knocking on h...
Time Above The Earth [French translation]
J'ai passé beaucoup de temps au-dessus de la Terre Pensant à la vie et le mérite de chaque homme Comment un homme peut-il mériter plus Qu'un millier d...
Time Above The Earth [Italian translation]
Ho passato così tanto tempo al di sopra della terra pensando alla vita e al valore di ogni uomo Come potrebbe una persona valere più di Un migliaio di...
Time Above The Earth [Spanish translation]
He pasado tanto tiempo sobre la tierra Pensando en la vida y el valor de cada uno ¿Cómo puede una persona valer más que Mil tocando a su puerta? Aún a...
Westside lyrics
I was living on the Westside When you brought me South At first you didn't like the look of me Your borders were closed Although you said I'm bad comp...
Westside [Greek translation]
Έμενα στη Δυτική πλευρά Όταν με έφερες Νότια Στην αρχή δεν σου άρεσε η εμφάνιση μου Τα σύνορα σου ήταν κλειστά Παρόλο που είπες πως είμαι κακή παρέα Κ...
You Don't Love Me lyrics
But you don't love me the way that, I love you 'cause if you did girl you would not, do those things you do You killed my heart just to see if, I will...
You Don't Love Me [Greek translation]
Όμως δεν με αγαπάς όπως, σε αγαπώ εγώ γιατί αν με αγαπούσες κορίτσι δεν θα, έκανες αυτά που κάνεις Σκότωσες την καρδιά μου μόνο για να δεις αν, θα υψω...
You Don't Love Me [Italian translation]
Ma non mi ami nel modo in cui ti amo io Perché se così fosse, ragazza, non faresti le cose che fai Hai ucciso il mio cuore solo per vedere se sarei st...
You Don't Love Me [Spanish translation]
Pero no me quieres como yo te quiero a ti Porque de ser así, chica, no harías las cosas que haces Mataste a mi corazón sólo para ver si me sobreponía ...
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