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Marta Jandová featuring lyrics
Träumst du? lyrics
Du weißt genauso gut wie ich, Dass ich nicht schlafen kann. Denn meine Träume kreisen Immer nur um dich. Ich habe nächtelang gewartet, Dass du zu mir ...
Träumst du? [Croatian translation]
Znaš ti dobro kao i ja Da spavati ne mogu Jer moji snovi kruže Uvijek samo oko tebe Ja sam noćima čekao Da dođeš k meni Sada mi konačno daj ruku svoju...
Träumst du? [Dutch translation]
Je weet net als ik Dat ik niet kan slapen Want ik droom altijd van jou Nachtenlang heb ik gewacht Dat je meekomt Geef me je hand En kom in het licht E...
Träumst du? [English translation]
You know as well as I do That I can't sleep That my dreams circle Around you all the time I have waited for nights That you come to me So finally give...
Träumst du? [English translation]
You know as well as I do That I can't sleep Because my dreams are Always focused on you I've waited all night For you to come to me Now finally give m...
Träumst du? [English translation]
You know just as well as me, That I can't sleep Because my dreams revolve, Always around you. I've waited for nights, For you to come to me. Now final...
Träumst du? [English translation]
You know as much as I do That I can't sleep That my dreams circle Around you all the time I have waited for nights That you come to me So finally give...
Träumst du? [English translation]
You know just as well as me That I can't sleep Because my dreams revolve Always around you I've waited for nights For you to come to me Now finally gi...
Träumst du? [Finnish translation]
Sinä tiedät yhtä hyvin kuin minäkin Etten saa nukutuksi Sillä uneni kiertävät Aina vain sinun ympärilläsi Olen odottanut monen yön ajan Että tulisit l...
Träumst du? [French translation]
Tu sais aussi bien que moi Que je n'arrive pas à dormir. Car mes rêves toujours ne tournent Qu'autour de toi. J'ai attendu des nuits durant Que tu vie...
Träumst du? [Hungarian translation]
Tudod jól akárcsak én, Hogy nen tudok aludni. Mert az álmaim Mindig körülötted forognak. Vártam egy éjszakán át, Hogy eljössz hozzám. Most add nekem u...
Träumst du? [Italian translation]
Sai bene proprio come me che non posso dormire. Perché i miei sogni girano sempre e solo intorno a te. Ho atteso per notti intere che tu venissi da me...
Träumst du? [Romanian translation]
Știi la fel de bine ca și mine, Eu nu pot să dorm. Deoarece visele mele se învârt Întotdeauna spre tine. Te-am așteptat toată noaptea, Să vii la mine....
Träumst du? [Russian translation]
Без объяснений знаешь, Мне не спится одному, Ведь мои грёзы всегда Витают над тобой. Холодной ночью ждал, Когда ко мне вновь ты придёшь, Теперь дай ру...
Träumst du? [Russian translation]
Ты знаешь не хуже меня, Что я не могу спать, Потому что все мои сны крутятся Только вокруг тебя. Я ночи напролёт ждал, Когда ты ко мне придёшь. Подай ...
Spur des Lebens lyrics
[Strophe 1 - Alea] Es fällt mir schwer, diese Zeilen dir zu schreiben Obwohl ich glaub, dass du sie niemals liest Es fällt mir schwer, nicht um dich z...
Spur des Lebens [English translation]
I find it hard to write these lines to you Although I believe that you’ll never read them I find it hard not to cry for you Tears that you will probab...
Spur des Lebens [English translation]
[Verse 1 - Alea] It feels so hard, writing these lines to you Although I think, that you will never read It feels so hard, not to cry for you Tears th...
Spur des Lebens [Spanish translation]
[Estrofa 1 - Alea] Se me hace difícil escribirte estas líneas Aunque creo que nunca las leerás Se me hace difícil no llorar por ti Lágrimas que tú pro...
Legends Never Die [Russian translation]
You were the god in the halls of time, You've seen them come and seen them go. Why can't you sleep at night? Maybe it's the glare of the light, Maybe ...
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