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Ma che freddo fa lyrics
D'inverno il sole stanco a letto presto se ne va non ce la fa più non ce la fa più la notte adesso scende con le sue mani fredde su di me ma che fredd...
Ma che freddo fa [English translation]
The tired winter sun goes to bed earlier there is not much one can do there is not much one can do And now the night falls Its cold hands all over me ...
Ma che freddo fa [English translation]
The tired hazy winter sun Goes early to bed and sets There isn't much to do There isn't much to do And now the night descends Its chilly hands all ove...
Ma che freddo fa [English translation]
In winter the tired sun goes to bed early. It can’t take it anymore It can’t take it anymore. The night now descends with its cold hands upon me. But ...
Ma che freddo fa [English translation]
In winter the tired sun goes early to bed it can't help it anymore it can't help it anymore the night now is falling down with its cold hands on me it...
Ma che freddo fa [English translation]
In winter the tired sun goes early to bed he can't it anymore he can't it anymore now the night falls with her cold hands upon me how cold it is how c...
Ma che freddo fa [French translation]
En hiver le soleil fatigué Est prêt a aller se coucher Il ne n'en peut plus Il ne n'en peut plus Maintenant la nuit descend Avec sur mon corps ses mai...
Ma che freddo fa [German translation]
Im Winter geht die müde Sonne zeitig zu Bett Sie kann nicht mehr Sie kann nicht mehr Die Nacht senkt sich nun mit ihren kalten Händen auf mich Wie kal...
Ma che freddo fa [German translation]
Im Winter begibt die Sonne sich schon am Nachmittag zur Ruh sie wirkt bleich und alt sie wirkt bleich und alt die Nacht bricht herein und deckt mich m...
Ma che freddo fa [Greek translation]
Τον χειμώνα ο ήλιος κουρασμένος στο κρεβάτι πάει νωρίς δεν το αντέχει πια δεν το αντέχει πια η νύχτα τώρα πέφτει με τα κρύα χέρια της πάνω μου μα πόσο...
Ma che freddo fa [Hebrew translation]
שמש החורף העייפה הולכת לישון מוקדם לא יכולה יותר, לא יכולה יותר, הלילה עכשיו יורד עם ידיו הקרות שעוטפות אותי כמה קר נהיה, כמה קר נהיה, מספיק ליטוף אחד...
Ma che freddo fa [Hungarian translation]
Télen a Nap fáradt hamar Korán alászáll Nem bírja tovább Nem bírja tovább Az éj most leszáll Hideg kezét rám teszi Olyan hideg van Olyan hideg van Egy...
Ma che freddo fa [Persian translation]
در زمستان، خورشیدِ خسته زود به تختخواب می‌ره دیگه نمی‌کِشه دیگه نمی‌کِشه حالا شب فرا می رسه با دستهای سردش روی بدنم چقدر سرده چقدر سرده تنها یک نوازش ...
Ma che freddo fa [Portuguese translation]
No inverno o Sol cansado Vai dormir um pouco mais cedo Não suporto mais isso Não suporto mais isso Agora a noite está caindo Com as suas frias mãos so...
Ma che freddo fa [Romanian translation]
Iarna soarele obosit merge devreme la culcare, nu mai poate, nu mai poate. Noaptea acum coboară cu mâinile ei reci pe mine. Dar ce frig este, dar ce f...
Ma che freddo fa [Russian translation]
Усталое солнце рано ложится в зимнюю кровать Продолжать нет сил Продолжать нет сил Студёная ночь руками Своими прикасается ко мне Ах, как холодно Ах, ...
Ma che freddo fa [Serbian translation]
Zimi je sunce umorno rano ide u krevet ne može više ne može više noć se sada spušta sa svojim hladnim rukama na mene kako je hladno kako je hladno dov...
Ma che freddo fa [Spanish translation]
En invierno el sol cansado a acostarse pronto se va ya no puede más ya no puede más la noche ahora cae con sus manos frías sobre mí pero qué frío hace...
Ma che freddo fa [Turkish translation]
Kış olduğunda yorgun güneş erkenden yatağına gider daha fazla katlanamaz daha fazla katlanamaz gece üzerime alçalıyor soğuk elleriyle ama çok soğuk am...
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