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grandson lyrics
Days Like These [Unreleased] lyrics
[Verse 1] When they were 17, a condom broke When he pulled out she nearly cried In darkness none a word was spoke Silliest that she could run and cry ...
Days Like These [Unreleased] [French translation]
[Verse 1] When they were 17, a condom broke When he pulled out she nearly cried In darkness none a word was spoke Silliest that she could run and cry ...
Death Of An Optimist // Intro lyrics
[Verse 1] He's in the sound of the song that was sung to an empty room The last light from the sun that was set too soon In the tremble of the man who...
Death Of An Optimist // Intro [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Il est dans le bruit de la musique qui était chanté dans une salle vide La dernière lumière du soleil qui s'est couchée trop tôt Dans le t...
Death Of An Optimist // Intro [Italian translation]
[Verse 1] Lui è nel suono di una canzone che è stata suonata in una stanza vuota L’ultima luce dal sole che è tramontato troppo presto Nel tremolio di...
Death Of An Optimist // Intro [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1] Он в звуке песни, которая пелась в пустой комнате, Последнем свете солнца, зашедшего слишком рано В дрожи никогда не стрелявшего человека В...
Despicable lyrics
The goodbye is the hardest part When we find ourselves back at the start But I'm not so brave, and I'm not so smart, no I'm doing you a favor, doing y...
Despicable [French translation]
L'au revoir est la partie la plus difficile, Quand on se trouve nous-même de nouveau au début Mais je ne suis pas si courageux, et je ne suis pas si i...
Despicable [German translation]
Das Lebewohl ist der härteste Teil Wenn wir uns selbst zurück am Anfang finden Aber ich bin nicht so mutig und ich bin nicht so schlau, nein Ich tu' d...
Despicable [Greek translation]
Ο αποχαιρετισμός είναι το δυσκολότερο έργο όταν καταλήγουμε αμφότεροι στην επανεκκίνηση. Όμως, εγώ δεν είμαι γενναίος, πόσω μάλλον έξυπνος. Θα σου κάν...
Despicable [Hungarian translation]
A búcsú a legnehezebb része Mikor újra az elején találjuk magunkat De én nem vagyok túl bátor, és túl okos sem vagyok. Nem én, szívességet teszek neke...
Despicable [Italian translation]
L'addio è la parte più difficile Quando ci ritroviamo alla partenza Ma non sono così coraggioso, e non sono così intelligente, no Ti sto facendo un fa...
Despicable [Polish translation]
Pożegnanie jest najtrudniejszą częścią Gdy widzimy nas wstecz, na samym początku Ale nie jestem zbyt odważny, ani mądry, nie Wyświadczam ci przysługę,...
Despicable [Serbian translation]
Zbogom je najtezi deo Kada se nadjemo na početku Ali ja nisam tako hrabar, i nisam tako pametan, ne Ja ti činim uslusgu, činim ti uslugu Jednog dana ć...
Despicable [Turkish translation]
Hoşçakal en zor kısım Kendimizi başlangıçta bulduğumuzda Ama ben çok güçlü değilim, ve çok akıllı değilim, hayır Sana bir iyilik yapıyorum, sana bir i...
Despicable [Vietnamese translation]
Lời tạm biệt là phần nhọc nhằn nhất Khi ta thấy mình trở về lại vạch xuất phát Nhưng tôi không có gan, cũng không có khôn, không đâu Tôi đang giúp em ...
Destroy Me lyrics
[Verse 1] I bring the match, you bring the gasoline It turns me on when you set me on fire Enter my bloodstream, you are my nicotine I need a fix, can...
Destroy Me [French translation]
[Verset 1] Je ramène l'allumette, tu ramènes l'essence Ça m'allume quand tu me met en feu Entre dans mes vaisseaux sanguins, tu es ma nicotine J'ai be...
Destroy Me [Hungarian translation]
[1. versszak] Én hozom a tűzet, te meg a benzint Felizgat, mikor felgyújtasz engem Lépj be a véráramomba, te vagy a nikotinom Kell nekem egy adag, be ...
Destroy Me [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1] Я бросаю спичку, ты подливаешь горючее Всё оборачивается на меня, ты погружаешь меня в огонь Погружаешься в мой кровоток, ты мой никотин Мн...
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