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The Saturdays lyrics
Puppet lyrics
Rochelle: I'll push to see how far I'll make you go Then pull you back when I am craving more You know that I'm the kind of girl you need So prove how...
Puppet [Turkish translation]
Rochelle: Ne kadar uzağa götüreceğimi görmek için seni iteceğim Sonra daha fazla arzuladığımda seni geri çekeceğim Biliyorsun ki ben ihtiyacın olan kı...
Ready To Rise lyrics
[Vanessa]: Remember that night when you left me I thought my world was ending [Rochelle]: I felt a physical pain Was a victim of a lost love game [Una...
Set me off lyrics
Verse: In my time, that's the way I usually go, Andthen when I feel fine, that's when I'll be letting you know, I try, try, taking it slow, taking it ...
Set me off [French translation]
Couplet : Autrefois, ce que j'avais l'habitude de faire, Voilà, quand je me sentais bien, Alors, je te le faisais savoir, J'essayais, essayais, d'alle...
Set me off [Turkish translation]
Kıta: Benim zamanımda genellikle gittiğim yoldu bu Vesonra kendimi iyi hissedince O zaman sana haber veriyor olacağım Ağırdan almaya,ağırdan almaya ça...
So Stupid lyrics
I didn't have a choice You never gave me one You were so perfect in my eyes, eyes, eyes We left our heartbeat cry You were my lullaby You were my hear...
So Stupid [Bosnian translation]
Nisam imala izbora Jer mi nikada nisi dao jedan Tako smo bili savršeni u mojim očima,očima,očima Ostavili smo naše otkucaje srca da plaču Ti si mi bio...
So Stupid [Bosnian translation]
Nisam imala izbora Jer mi nikada nisi dao jedan Tako smo bili savršeni u mojim očima,očima,očima Ostavili smo naše otkucaje srca da plaču Ti si mi bio...
So Stupid [Serbian translation]
Nisam imala izbora Jer mi nikada nisi dao jedan Tako smo bili savršeni u mojim očima, očima, očima Ostavili smo naše otkucaje srca da plaču Ti si mi b...
Somebody Else's Life lyrics
Feelin’ like a millionaire Could be going out Could be going anywhere We don't need those lights to see Cameras flashing in there right where we wanna...
Somebody Else's Life [Hungarian translation]
Olyan, mintha milliomos lennék El mehetnék szórakozni Akárhova elmehetnék Nem kellenek azok a fények, hogy lássunk A kamerák villognak ott ahol lenni ...
The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me
Yeah Look as I see It's your boy Travie McCoy and The Saturdays Let's go! One thing I love is acting like I don't know, When boy I really know That yo...
The Way You Watch Me [Hungarian translation]
Yeah Lucas látom Ez a haverod Travie McCoy és The Saturdays Gyerünk! Egy dolog amit szeretek az úgy tenni mintha nem tudnám, nem tudnám Amikor srác té...
The Way You Watch Me [Turkish translation]
Evet Ben görürken sen bak Bu sizin çocuk Travie McCoy ve The Saturdays grubu Hadi gidelim ! Sevdiğim bir kişi tanımıyormuşum gibi davranıyor Delikanlı...
Turn myself in lyrics
I was standing by the bar on a table I could hardly breathe Didn't fight you no I couldn't say no, cos you were onto me. You don't know what it's like...
Turn myself in [Hungarian translation]
A bár mellett álltam egy asztalom alig kaptam levegőt Ne veszekedj,tudod, hogy nem mondhattam nemet mert rám startoltál. Nem tudod, milyen Nagyon kell...
Turn myself in [Turkish translation]
Barın kenarında bir masada duruyordum Güçlükle nefes alabildim Seninle kavga etmedim hayır,hayır diyemedim Çünkü sen beni biliyordun Bunun ne gibi bir...
Unofficial lyrics
[Rochelle:] My love for you, Is stronger than love itself, I do what it takes to keep you all to myself, Dehydrated most the time, from the lack of yo...
Unofficial [French translation]
[Rochelle:] Mon amour pour toi, est plus fort que l'amour lui-même Je fais ce qu'il faut pour te garder à moi Déshydratée la plupart du temps, A cause...
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