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Nick Drake lyrics
They're Leaving Me Behind lyrics
The tramp moves on to the end of the street I listen to the echo of his hobnail feet For some, there's a future to find But I think they're leaving me...
They're Leaving Me Behind [French translation]
Le vagabond marche au bout de la rue J'entends l'écho de ses chaussures ferrées Pour certains, il y a un avenir à trouver Mais je pense qu'ils me lais...
They're Leaving Me Behind [Italian translation]
Il vagabondo si muove sul limitare della strada Sento l'eco dei suoi passi chiodati Per qualcuno, c'e' un futuro da trovare Ma penso che mi stiano las...
They're Leaving Me Behind [Turkish translation]
Berduş sokağın sonuna doğru giderken Ben de onun ayak sesinin yankılarını dinliyorum Bazıları için bulacaklar bir gelecek var Ama sanırım beni terk ed...
Things Behind the Sun lyrics
Please beware of them that stare They'll only smile to see you while Your time away And once you've seen what they have been To win the earth just won...
Things Behind the Sun [Italian translation]
Guardati da coloro che osservano E sorridono giusto il tempo Della tua assenza Quando ti renderai conto di ciò che sono stati Ti sembrerà che conquist...
Things Behind the Sun [Russian translation]
Пожалуйста, остерегайся тех, кто пристально смотрит, Они улыбаются, только чтобы увидеть, Как уходит твоё время. И если ты однажды поймёшь, кем им при...
Three Hours lyrics
Three hours from sundown Jeremy flies Hoping to keep The sun from his eyes East from the city And down to the cave In search of a master In search of ...
Three Hours [French translation]
À trois heures du crépuscule Jeremy vole Espérant protéger Les yeux du soleil À l'est de la ville Et jusqu'à la tanière Cherchant un maître Cherchant ...
Three Hours [Italian translation]
A tre ore dal tramonto Jeremy vola Sperando di schermare Gli occhi dal sole A est della città E giù fino al covo Per trovare un padrone Per trovare un...
Three Hours [Turkish translation]
Güneşin batmasına üç saat var Jeremy uçakta Gözlerini güneşten korumayı umut ederken Şehrin batışına Mağaraya doğru Bir usta arayışında Bir köle arayı...
Time Has Told Me lyrics
Time has told me You're a rare, rare find A troubled cure For a troubled mind And time has told me Not to ask for more For someday our ocean Will find...
Time Has Told Me [Italian translation]
Il tempo mi ha detto (che) Sei una ben rara scoperta Una cura complicata Per una mente complicata E il tempo mi ha detto (di) Non chiedere di più Un g...
Time Has Told Me [Russian translation]
Говорило время мне Ты редкая, редкая находка. Беспокойное лекарство Для тревожного ума. И говорило время мне Больше не просить. Когда-нибудь наш океан...
Time of No Reply lyrics
Summer was gone and the heat died down And Autumn reached for her golden crown I looked behind as I heard a sigh But this was the time of no reply The...
Time Piece lyrics
Still it’s time that grows in my brain. Still it’s time that calls me here. Still I scream when time ticks. Still I cringe from time’s tricks. Still I...
Tomorrow is such a Long Time lyrics
If today were not an endless highway If tonight were not a crooked trail If tomorrow weren't such a long time Then lonesome would mean nothing to me a...
Tomorrow is such a Long Time [Bengali translation]
যদি 'আজ' সুদীর্ঘ রাজপথ না হতো, যদি 'আজ রাত' দুর্গম রাস্তা না হতো, যদি 'আগামীকাল' আসতে এতো বেশি সময় না লাগতো, তবে একাকীত্বের কোনো মানে থাকতোনা। হ্যাঁ,...
Way to Blue lyrics
Don't you have a word to show what may be done Have you never heard a way to find the sun Tell me all that you may know Show me what you have to show ...
Way to Blue [Italian translation]
Ti mancano le parole per descrivere dov'è possibile arrivare Non hai sentore di potere brillare come il sole Rivelami tutto quel che sai Mostrami quel...
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