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Nick Drake lyrics
From the Morning lyrics
A day once dawned, and it was beautiful A day once dawned from the ground Then the night she fell And the air was beautiful The night she fell all aro...
From the Morning [Croatian translation]
Jednom osvanuo je dan i bio je prekrasan. Jednom osvanuo je dan iz zemlje. One noći kad pala je, Zrak bio je prekrasan. Noć kad pala je uokolo. Stoga,...
From the Morning [Italian translation]
Una volta è arrivato il giorno, ed era bellissimo Una volta il giorno è sorto dalla terra Poi la notte è calata E l'aria era bellissima La notte è cal...
From the Morning [Spanish translation]
Una vez un día amaneció, y era precioso, una vez un día amaneció de la tierra. Luego la noche cayó y el aire era precioso. La noche cayó a nuestro alr...
Fruit Tree lyrics
Fame is but a fruit tree So very unsound. It can never flourish Till its stock is in the ground. So men of fame Can never find a way Till time has flo...
Fruit Tree [Italian translation]
La fama non è che un albero da frutto gravemente malato. Non potrà mai fiorire finché il fusto rimarrà (piantato) in terra.. E così i grandi uomini 1 ...
Harvest Breed lyrics
Falling fast and falling free you look to find a friend Falling fast and falling free this could just be the end Falling fast you stoop to touch and k...
Harvest Breed [Italian translation]
Precipitando velocemente e liberamente, scruti in cerca di un amico Precipitando velocemente e liberamente, questa potrebbe essere solo la fine Precip...
Hazey Jane I lyrics
Do you curse where you come from, Do you swear in the night Will it mean much to you If I treat you right. Do you like what you're doing, Would you do...
Hazey Jane II lyrics
And what will happen in the morning when the world it gets so crowded that you can't look out the window in the morining. And what will happen in the ...
Know lyrics

Know that I love you

Know I don't care

Know that I see you

Know I'm not there.

Know [Italian translation]

Sappi che ti amo

Sappi che non m'importa

Sappi che ti vedo

Sappi che non sono lì

Know [Turkish translation]

Seni sevdiğimi bil

Umurumda olmadığını bil

Seni görebildiğimi bil

Orada olmadığımı bil

Magic [I Was Made to Love Magic] lyrics
I was born to love no one No one to love me Only the wind in the long green grass The frost in a broken tree. I was made to love magic All its wonder ...
Man in a Shed lyrics
Well there was a man who lived in a shed Spent most of his days out of his head For his she'd was rotten let in the rain Said it was enough to drive a...
Mayfair lyrics
Mayfair strange in the morning light Mayfair strange in a summer night Mayfair strangest in the afternoon Mayfair stretching far above Full of fame bu...
Northern Sky lyrics
I never felt magic crazy as this I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea I never held emotion in the palm of my hand Or felt sweet breezes in th...
Northern Sky [French translation]
Je n'ai jamais ressenti une magie aussi folle que celle-ci, je N'ai jamais vu que les lunes connaissaient le sens de la mer Je n'ai jamais tenu de sen...
Northern Sky [Italian translation]
Non mi sono mai sentito magicamente folle così Non ho mai visto lune, capito il senso del mare Non ho mai tenuto un'emozione nel palmo della mia mano ...
Northern Sky [Spanish translation]
Nunca sentí una mágica locura como ésta, nunca vi lunas que conocieran el significado del mar, nunca sostuve emociones en la palma de la mano o sentí ...
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