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Nick Drake lyrics
'Cello Song lyrics
Strange face With your eyes So pale and sincere Underneath you know well You have nothing to fear For the dreams that came To you when so young Told o...
'Cello Song [Italian translation]
Non conosco questo viso Il cui sguardo Pallido e schietto Rivela di sapere nel profondo Di non aver nulla da temere Per i sogni di un tempo Quand'eri ...
'Cello Song [Spanish translation]
Rostro extraño Con tus ojos Tan pálidos y sinceros En el fondo bien sabes que no debes temer nada ya que los sueños que te llegaron cuando fuiste tan ...
A place to be lyrics
When I was younger, younger than before I never saw the truth hanging from the door And now Im older see it face to face And now Im older gotta get up...
A place to be [French translation]
Lorsque j’étais jeune, plus jeune qu’avant Je ne voyais pas la vérité devant mes yeux Et maintenant que j’ai grandi je la vois en face Et maintenant q...
A place to be [Italian translation]
Quando ero giovane, più giovane di prima Non mi rendevo conto della verità davanti agli occhi Ora che sono cresciuto mi ci ritrovo faccia a faccia Ora...
A place to be [Serbian translation]
Kada bio sam mladji, mladji nego pre Nisam video istinu sto bila mi je pred nosom A sada kad sam stariji, vidim je lice u lice A sada kad sam stariji,...
A place to be [Turkish translation]
Ben daha genç iken, öncekinden daha genç Kapıdan asılı gerçeği hiç görmedim Ve şimdi daha yaşlıyım onu yüzyüze gör Ve şimdi yaşlıyım, yeri temizlemem ...
At the Chime of a City Clock lyrics
A city freeze Get on your knees Pray for warmth and green paper. A city drought You're down and out See your trousers don't taper. Saddle up Kick your...
At the Chime of a City Clock [German translation]
Eine gefrierende Stadt Geh auf die Knie Bete für Wärme und grünes Papier Eine Stadtdürre Du bist unten und draußen Pass auf, dass deine Hosen nicht na...
Been smoking too long lyrics
Well I wake up in the morning Look at my clock It's way past noon time Now I'm late for work. Tell me, tell me What have I done wrong? Ain't nothing g...
Been smoking too long [Italian translation]
Bene, mi sveglio al mattino Guardo l'orologio E' mezzogiorno passato Adesso e' troppo tardi per lavorare Dimmi, dimmi Cosa abbiamo fatto di sbagliato?...
Been smoking too long [Russian translation]
Просыпаюсь утром, Смотрю на часы. Уже за полдень: На работу идти поздно. Скажи, скажи, Что я сделал не так? Всё у меня наперекосяк. Должно быть, курил...
Been smoking too long [Turkish translation]
Sabah uyandım Saatime bak Öğlen vaktini geçiyor Şimdi işe geç kaldım. Söyle bana ,söyle bana Neyi yanlış yaptım? Benimle hiçbir şey düzgün gitmiyor Ço...
Bird flew by lyrics
Bird flew by And wondered, wondered why She was wise And ought to stay up in the sky From the air she could wonder For the reason What's the point of ...
Bird flew by [Turkish translation]
Kuşlar uçtu gitti Ben de merak ettim durdum neden diye Gökyüzünde kalabilecek kadar akıllıydı oysa Gökyüzünden merak edip dururdu o da Bir yılın ya da...
Black Eyed Dog lyrics
The black eyed dog he called at my door The black eyed dog he called for more The black eyed dog he knew my name The black eyed dog he knew my name Th...
Black Eyed Dog [French translation]
Le chien aux yeux noirs se pointait à ma porte Le chien aux yeux noirs il voulait plus Le chien aux yeux noirs il connaissait mon nom Le chien aux yeu...
Black Eyed Dog [Italian translation]
Il cane dagli occhi neri si presentava alla mia porta Il cane dagli occhi neri voleva di più Il cane dagli occhi neri conosceva il mio nome Il cane da...
Black Eyed Dog [Russian translation]
Черноглазый пёс появился у моей двери Черноглазый пёс требовал большего Черноглазый пёс знал моё имя Черноглазый пёс знал моё имя Черноглазый пёс Черн...
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