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Sting lyrics
A Thousand Years [Romanian translation]
A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning...
A Thousand Years [Russian translation]
A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning...
A Thousand Years [Serbian translation]
A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning...
A Thousand Years [Spanish translation]
A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning...
A Thousand Years [Turkish translation]
A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning...
A Thousand Years [Turkmen translation]
A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning...
After the Rain Has Fallen lyrics
The palace guards are all sleeping their fires burn into the night there's a threat of rain on the dark horizon and all that's left is a quarter moon ...
After the Rain Has Fallen [Croatian translation]
Stražari palače spavaju Njihove vatre gore u noć Kišna prijetnja je na horizontu I ostala je sam četvrt mjeseca svjetlosti On se penje kroz tamu Bez o...
After the Rain Has Fallen [Czech translation]
Palácové stráže ve snech dlí, jen jejich pochodně ozařují noc. Nad horizontem visí bouřková mračna a celý, celičký svět ozařuje jen slabý srpek Měsíce...
After the Rain Has Fallen [Finnish translation]
Palatsin vartiat ovat kaikki unessa Heidän tulet yössä palavat On sateen uhka pimeässä horisontissa Ja kaikki mitä on jäljellä on neljännes kuunvalost...
After the Rain Has Fallen [German translation]
Die Palastwachen schlafen alle Ihre Feuer leuchten1bis weit2in die Nacht hinein Am dunklen Horizont droht Regen Und alles was bleibt ist das Licht ein...
After the Rain Has Fallen [Greek translation]
Οι φρουροί του παλατιού κοιμούνται όλοι Οι φωτιές τους καίνε μέσα στη νύχτα Υπάρχει απειλή για βροχή στον σκοτεινό ορίζονται Κι το μόνο που έμεινε είν...
After the Rain Has Fallen [Spanish translation]
Todos los guardias de palacio están durmiendo Su fuego arde en la noche Hay una amenaza de lluvia en el oscuro horizonte Y todo lo que ha quedado es u...
After the Rain Has Fallen [Turkish translation]
Saray muhafızlarının hepsi uyuyor, ateşleri hâlâ yanıyor gecenin bir yarısı; yağmur yağdı yağacak karanlık ufukta ve kala kala bir tek hilalin ışığı k...
All this time lyrics
I looked out across the river today I saw a city in the fog and an old church tower Where the seagulls play I saw the sad shire horses walking home In...
All this time [Croatian translation]
Pogledao sam preko Rijeke danas Vidio sam grad u magli i stari crkveni toranj Gdje se galebovi igraju Vidio sam grofovijske konje kako idu doma Pod pl...
All this time [Dutch translation]
Ik keek vandaag uit op de rivier Ik zag een stad in de mist en een oude kerktoren Waar de meeuwen spelen Ik zag de droevige graafschappaarden naar hui...
All this time [Finnish translation]
Katsoin poikki Joen tänään Näen kaupungin sumussa ja vanhan kirkontornin Missä lokit leikkivät Näin surulliset shire-hevoset kävelemässä kotiin Natriu...
All this time [German translation]
Ich habe heute mal über den Fluss geschaut und Ich sah eine Stadt im Nebel und einen alten Kirchturm, Um den die Möwen spielten. Ich sah, wie die trau...
All this time [German translation]
Ich habe heute Über den Fluß geschaut Ich sah die Stadt im Nebel und einen alten Kirchturm Wo die Möwen spielen Ich sah die traurigen Shire-Pferde nac...
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