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Iced Earth lyrics
Resistance lyrics
On your knees is where you'll be when we find you Smoke you out, a den of thieves, we've succumbed to You stand warned, your mindless horde We will no...
Retribution Through The Ages lyrics
Time, thousands of years pass by But with the ancient rites in tact Man, mankind has multiplied Spreading worldwide as planned Kings and their armies ...
Sacrificial Kingdoms lyrics
It does not take much to destroy a man Give him rope and he will hang Same can be said for dynasty So fat with itself, can no longer feed Rome will bu...
Scarred lyrics
Darkness calls down to me Sweat pours from my body like rain Growing wiser with each touch A pawn in lucifers game, am I? It attacks me in the black a...
Scarred [Slovak translation]
Darkness calls down to me Sweat pours from my body like rain Growing wiser with each touch A pawn in lucifers game, am I? It attacks me in the black a...
Setian Massacre lyrics
Screaming in agony Cries fill the air Eyes once full of hope Shedding tears of despair All that they've ever known is dead Fire reigns from above Iron...
Seven headed whore lyrics
Lord of flies, lord of death, lord of hate Deceive the masses in the dark, seal their fate Divide and conquer keep the wicked in control Hellfire on e...
Seven headed whore [Greek translation]
Άρχοντα των μυγών, άρχοντα του θανάτου, άρχοντα του μισούς Εξαπατά το πλήθος στο σκοτάδι, σφράγισε τη μοίρα τους Μοίρασε και κατακτά, κράτησε τους κακ...
Slave To The Dark lyrics
A twisted state of mind, torn between two worlds One of which the new me hates and the one that's coming true The power is unleashed, they perish at m...
Slave To The Dark [Slovak translation]
Skrutený stav mysle, roztrhaný medzi dvoma svetmi Jeden z toho ktorý, nové ja nenávidí a jedno ktoré sa spĺňa Moc je odpútaná, hynú pri mojom pohľade ...
Something Wicked [Part 3] lyrics
I walk the earth The wicked one Baptized in fire Vindication's only son Through folds of space and time I've sown my evil seeds Till mankind is erased...
Something Wicked Part 1 lyrics
I can see clearly now A painful vision indeed An attempt at genocide, 12 000 years of pain The human thirst for dominance Leads them to Setian ground ...
Soylent Green lyrics
The earth has suffered over population All our rations have been dominated We look to them for answers to our hunger Food made from you and i Increasi...
Spirit Of The Times lyrics
And as I sit and ponder Regrets I have no longer But the questions still remain A world filled with injustice Division, pain and violence Will we ever...
Spirit Of The Times [Greek translation]
Και καθώς κάθομαι και αναλογίζομαι Τύψεις δεν έχω πια Αλλά τα ερωτήματα ακόμη παραμένουν Ένας κόσμος γεμάτος αδικία Διαχωρισμό, πόνο και βία Θα βρούμε...
Stand Alone lyrics
Listen not to ones who preach Those who feel you're a freak Everything about you is wrong You must be sick, you don't belong Father said, worry not wh...
Stand Alone [Slovak translation]
Počúvaj nie tých ktorý kážu Tí ktorý cítia, že si netvor Všetko o tebe je nesprávne Musíš byť chorý, nepatríš Otec hovoril, nerob si starosti o to čo ...
Stormrider lyrics
As I travel through the astral plains I see the break ahead As though the sky has burst in flames Before the storm I tread Lightning breaks across the...
Stormrider [Dutch translation]
Reizende door de astrale ruimten zie ik de breuk voor de boeg Alsof de lucht in vlammen is uitgebarsten Voor de storm die ik betreed Weerlicht doorbre...
Stormrider [Greek translation]
Καθώς ταξιδεύω μέσα από τις αστρικές πεδιάδες βλέπω το διάλειμμα μπροστά Όπως και ο ουρανός έχει σκάσει στη φλόγα Πριν από την καταιγίδα έρχεται η αστ...
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