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Iced Earth lyrics
Mystical End lyrics
On the plains of the desert A murmured cry was heard From the echoes of a wind song Singing of a word The word of the land begotten Is very seldom tau...
Nightmares lyrics
The feeling that you get when we creep inside You won't see us there, you won't feel our stare But when we're next to you we do all we can do To get t...
Order Of The Rose lyrics
Passed down through centuries The Order lives and feeds upon them A global fraternity Philanthropy, tactical deception In plain sight throughout all t...
Parasite lyrics
It rises from dormant slumber Drains life from the host in hunger Seeding it's evil Manipulation Disguised, masking true intentions Truth lies in its ...
Peacemaker lyrics
As the sun sets I ride With my pistol by my side I know I'll survive tonight Like dust in the wind I'm restless with no end I'll find the man who sinn...
Plagues Of Babylon lyrics
We lie in wait Time is drawing near Earth crises all too clear The human virus starting to awake So we must manipulate We can't accept this human thre...
Plagues Of Babylon [Greek translation]
Είμαστε ξαπλωμένοι σε αναμονή Ο στιγμή πλησιάζει Το καθοριστικό σημείο για τη γη είναι προφανές Ο αθρώπινος ιός αρχίζει να ξυπνά Συνεπώς πρέπει να χει...
Prophecy lyrics
I can see clearly now, a painful vision indeed An attack on hallowed ground, from high above Alien to us, the species known as man A serious threat, i...
Prophecy [Greek translation]
Βλέπω ξεκάθαρα τώρα, ένα πραγματικά οδυνηρό όραμα Μια επίθεση σ' έναν έρημο τόπο, από ψηλά Ξένο προς εμάς, το είδος γνωστό ως ανθρώπινο Μια σοβαρή απε...
Prophecy [Slovak translation]
Teraz môžem jasne vidieť vskutku bolestivú víziu Útok na posvätnej zemi, z hora vysoko Odlišnínám, druhom známym ako človek Vážna hrozba v očiach star...
Pure Evil lyrics
Cannons pound into the night Angels soar into the sky The battle rages on Deliverance, unholy one The seeds of hate fly tonight Good and evil light th...
Pure Evil [Greek translation]
Τα κανόνια βαράμε μέσα στη νύχτα Οι άγγελοι πετούν στον ουρανό Η μάχη ξεκινά Σωτηρία, ανίερη Οι σπόροι του μίσους πετούν απόψε Καλό και κακό φωτίζουν ...
Pure Evil [Serbian translation]
Udarac zakona u noci Andjeli uzlecu nebom Bitka besni Oslobodjenje , jedini nesveti Semena mrznje lete nocas Dobro i zlo obasjavaju nebo Jos jedna viz...
Pure Evil [Slovak translation]
Kanóny udierajú do noci Anjeli sa vznášajú k oblohe Boj zúri ďalej Oslobodenie nesväté Semená nenávisti lietajú dnes večer Dobro a zlo osvetľuje obloh...
Raven Wing lyrics
A silhouette casts black shadows Along the desert floor Above the trees and mountains The raven wing soars A totem of creation A sign of life and deat...
Raven Wing [Greek translation]
Μια σιλουέτα πετάει μαύρες σκιές Στο έδαφος της ερήμου Πάνω από τα δέντρα και τα βουνά Το φτερό του κορακιού ανεβαίνει Μια κατασκευή τοτέμ Ένα σημάδι ...
Reaching The End lyrics
Now I feel that I've reached the end And the end of my quest is close at hand What have I done I've reached the end And as my life slowly fades away T...
Reaping Stone lyrics
There is a place far from her home She strayed her path too long In that wood, she found the stone Lost souls should never look upon At first glance, ...
Red Baron / Blue Max lyrics
The son of a major, Prussian nobleman His name bestowed by a holy Roman The war broke out, so he looked to the air 24 hours of training and he was the...
Reflections lyrics
As I reflect on the situation A heavy heart for the task at hand I witnessed savagery Hands tied to destiny The exodus of the chosen As foreseen in th...
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